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Shattered Dreams of Dongsan

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The Storm Within

The only question left was what would they do about it..... At the U.S. Weather Service, tensions were running high. For a full week, employees hadn’t been able to leave, overwhelmed by back-to-back hurricanes, Helen and Milton. The dormitory was a temporary refuge, but no one really rested there. One employee, guzzling whiskey in the dimly lit room, had just settled into a chair when his pager buzzed. Groaning, he threw on his jacket and trudged to the meeting room. Inside, the atmosphere was even more tense. A fellow employee was yelling into his cell phone. “You’re leaving me because of this?” he shouted, his voice cracking. After hanging up, he slumped into his chair, looking defeated. “My wife wants a divorce. Says I’m never home.” The whiskey-drinker, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, stepped in. “What do you need me to do?” “Compile basic data on Helen and Milton,” came the curt reply. Wind speeds, pressure, rainfall—ever

A New Era for Queensland Tourism: Balancing Beauty and Sustainability

The state’s identity, it seemed, was already beginning to shift—one subtle SDG at a time..... In a spacious meeting room at the Queensland Tourism Board, a blend of bright sunlight and the buzz of activity filled the air. The heads of the tourism promotion section sat across from several representatives of a major travel agency’s marketing department. Everyone was there with one goal: reviving Queensland’s tourism industry, which had taken a hard hit due to the long-lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This meeting was critical in setting the tone for a new campaign that would entice visitors once again. The tourism section had come prepared, presenting a straightforward plan. “We want to focus on two of our strongest points: the Great Barrier Reef, one of the world’s natural wonders, and the world’s oldest rainforest,” one official said, the confidence evident in their voice. Queensland’s natural beauty had always been a major dr

A Monk's Unexpected Wisdom

It required understanding a different way of life altogether..... Once upon a time, a foreign employee working in Bangkok, who specialized in selling foreign-made water purifiers, was enjoying a plate of delicious Pad Thai and sipping on local sake at a bustling food stall in the heart of the city. The vibrant atmosphere and fragrant street food were the perfect distractions, so much so that he didn’t even notice when his bag was stolen. Inside that bag were important documents—resumes from dozens of high school students who were scheduled for interviews. The students had been praised for their good skills, strong reading comprehension, and sociability, and he was looking forward to hiring some of them soon. But now, with the resumes gone, he was at a loss. The next day, at his office in Bangkok, he confided in a Thai female staff member about his misfortune. “I need to find some smart, capable people to interview, and fast!” he said,

The Price of Innocence

The innocence of her daily routine had become entangled in a war she never asked to be part of..... In the bustling, early morning hours of the Gaza market, 12-year-old Lina moved quickly between stalls, selling ripe, fresh tomatoes to the familiar faces of wholesalers. Every day, she enjoyed the chatter and banter, and after making a few good sales, she’d earn enough to take a little pocket money to school. Some of the traders were more than just familiar faces—unknown to Lina, they worked as informants, passing on details of daily life to Israeli forces. The conversations she so innocently engaged in were becoming part of a vast database fueling a powerful AI system. That morning, Lina’s older sister, 20-year-old Mariam, felt uneasy. The skies seemed clearer than usual, but something didn’t sit right. “Lina, don’t go to the market today,” Mariam said firmly, stopping her by the door. “I’ll go for you this time.” “But why? I always g