Kenji, a seasoned driver, was familiar with most of the roads in his town, except for one stretch infamous for its high number of accidents. Tonight, curiosity got the better of him, and he found himself driving down that very road, a narrow, winding path bordered by dense woods.
As he drove, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease. “Why do so many accidents happen here?” he wondered. The road seemed ordinary enough, though the tight curves and limited visibility could pose challenges. Still, it was hard to believe this road could be responsible for so many wrecks.
Kenji’s thoughts were interrupted by a sudden flash of headlights from the opposite direction. The blinding light disoriented him for a moment, and before he knew it, he was veering towards the guardrail. He quickly swerved back, his heart pounding.
Taking a deep breath, he slowed down, his eyes scanning the road more carefully. The incident left him shaken, but also more aware of how easily an accident could occur here. Perhaps it wasn’t just the road’s design, but the driver’s complacency and the unexpected distractions that led to so many mishaps.
Kenji continued his drive, now fully understanding why this road had earned its reputation.