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Showing posts from October, 2024

A Brother's Dilemma: The Soccer Player's Choice

Adama knew his brother was right in many ways, but his heart was still tethered to the joy he found on the field—a joy that no contract or legal ruling could ever take away..... In a modest house nestled in a quiet neighborhood in Bamako, Mali, two brothers sat across from each other at the dinner table. The younger brother, Adama, a professional soccer player, leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed as he listened to his older brother, Amadou. “Little brother, it looks like you might manage to get a transfer to the next club,” Amadou said, his voice calm but carrying a weight of experience. “FIFA just published an opinion that some of their transfer rules go against EU law. That could mean things will be easier for players like you when switching clubs.” Adama sighed deeply, glancing down at his hands. “Hmm,” he mumbled in response, not fully engaged in the conversation. Amadou raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you happy? This could be

A Mother's Plea

The speechmaker, still on his stage, found himself speechless for the first time that day..... It was a cold, grey afternoon on the streets of Moscow, and a small crowd had gathered around a group of pro-Russian speakers on one of the city’s bustling main streets. The leader of the group, a burly man dressed in a thick, black coat, stood on a makeshift stage, waving a Russian flag as he called out to the crowd. His voice boomed through a loudspeaker. “Russia is under threat!” he declared passionately. “Our great nation is in danger, not only from external enemies but from within. Our birth rate is the lowest it has been in 25 years, and we are losing our future. President Putin has told us what must be done: every woman should have three or more children. Only through strong families, through children, can we secure the future of Russia!” The crowd nodded along, some cheering in agreement, while others simply watched. The speechmaker

The Burden of Legacy

He fell silent, his thoughts drifting back to those days, as the weight of both privilege and responsibility pressed on his shoulders..... One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, he sat in his favorite chair, skimming through the latest village council minutes. The room was quiet, save for the soft ticking of the clock and the distant hum of traffic outside. His wife shuffled in, her movements slower than they once were. Age had begun to wear on her, and she now spent much of her time resting at home. Carrying a tray with a cup of tea, she approached him. “Honey,” she said with a smile, “my eldest daughter’s son has graduated from law school.” She held out her tablet, showing a proud photo of their daughter and grandson, beaming in graduation attire. He adjusted his reading glasses, glancing at the image. “Hmm,” he muttered, nodding absentmindedly as he turned his attention back to the council minutes. His wife wasn’t deter

The Cult of the Mountain

The young hitchhiker leaned back, watching the dawn break over the horizon, the weight of his escape mingled with the strange, bitter taste of the truth..... In a dimly lit shack, deep within the mountains, a group of around 15 young people gathered around a simple, candlelit meal. They sat on rickety wooden stools, eating roasted sweet potatoes dusted with rock salt and sipping from bowls filled with a strange, white soup. The flickering flame cast eerie shadows on the walls as they watched a video projected on an old sheet hanging from the ceiling. On screen, the leader of their small, isolated cult, a man with dark skin and dark sunglasses, raised his hands and preached in a low, calm voice. “Oh God, we thank you for the dinner of joy again tonight. We will drink every drop of the soup of joy.” His words echoed through the small shack, and the believers, obedient and silent, consumed their meager meal. Six months ago, this remote h