Good morning! Did you use the word “feeling” recently? The word feeling was popular in the past. About 50 years ago. It was a new concept at that time. Feeling = something that is not a word. It was new at that time, but I feel that it has not been used recently. Have you seen a person who says “Because of feeling” for reasons of things recently?
If your community wants to interact with the outside world, you should include people who can not understand the local code or protocol.1
Facebook agrees with the French government on the submission of personal information about users who have made a hate speech post. It turned out on June 25, 2019.2
However, Facebook seems to admit that it will still take a while for AI to detect whether the text contains subtle hate speech.3
The word “Asperger’s syndrome” is popular. It sounds like a person who can not sense the atmosphere that is not a word. Isn’t it normal? I think that the information can not be transmitted unless it is in words.
However, in a certain community, when a well-known word is premised, it is possible to exchange instructions without having to say the word. You can also exchange expressions. The environment where people who do not understand things like codes and protocols that are used in the community are diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome is a state like an isolated island that excludes foreigners.
If your community wants to interact with the outside world, you should include people who can not understand the local code or protocol. The community occupied by people familiar with the internal norms will be isolated islands from the outside world. That’s bad.
Talk:Autism/Archive 2 - Wikipedia
The West Virginia Guide to Accessing Services … - Marshall
AS tells NT’s how difficult relationships are - The ↩︎Until now, trends related to terrorism and violence have been monitored, but from now on it will extend to hate speeches.
However, it seems that if there is a problem image, it has been caught by AI. An image that has no problem with expression is caught on Tumblr.
Criticism of Facebook - Wikipedia
Exclusive: In a world first, Facebook to give data on hate ↩︎That’s right. There are many recognized words in the hate speech, but can AI catch hate speech that does not contain those banned words? Instead of AI, there is a way for humans to judge posts. “Hmm, is this a hate speech nuance?” If so, how much censorship is needed? Or should unlucky posts be judged by random sampling?
Emotions that you want to convey exist between words. I think that 100% of what I want to convey cannot be transmitted by listing only the correct words. Sentences are interesting because various nuances are expressed by cooperation between words. There is room for the development of expression skills. The sharing of the world spread by words is our culture, right?
Inside Google’s Internet Justice League and Its AI-Powered War on
Artificial intelligence chatbots will overwhelm human speech online
Facebook’s Text Understanding AI Engine Eliminates Negative …
AI calculates data and solves it. There is a human in the gap between data and data. ↩︎
There are certain conventions in the group, which are stacked in layers. The longer you stay there, the more you will discover the deeper layers. There is something bad about it and something interesting about it. In my personal opinion, it is better not to be deeply involved in the community. Because you should be an open community. Today’s post is over. Thank you