In the bustling city of Amman, Jordan, a man named Ali sits at his desk, his phone conspicuously placed in the middle. It’s a habit he’s developed since his sudden acquisition of a child—a two-year-old toddler from his second wife’s previous marriage. Ali is still trying to adjust to his new role as a father, and he finds himself constantly checking his phone for updates on his son.
A photo of the smiling toddler graces the phone’s wallpaper, a reminder of the precious life Ali is now responsible for. But there’s something else about the photo that catches the eye—the toddler is wearing a shirt with the words “Third Wife Wanted” printed on it.
Ali’s remarriage to a divorced woman with a child was a surprise to many. It was rumored that he had divorced his first wife due to violence, but Ali had never publicly commented on the matter. Whatever the reason, Ali seemed to be moving on quickly with his life.
But now, just over a year after his second marriage, Ali is looking for a third wife. His phone is full of messages from interested women, but none of them seem to be the right fit. Ali is looking for someone who is kind and patient, someone who can understand his unique situation and help him raise his son.
As Ali scrolls through the messages on his phone, he can’t help but think about the future. What does it mean to be a father? How can he provide for his son and give him the best possible life? And what about his search for a third wife? Will he ever find the woman of his dreams?
Ali sighs and puts down his phone. There are no easy answers to these questions. But for now, he’s focused on being the best father he can be to his little boy.