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Man helps Gaza victims

He vowed to stay in Gaza until the war was over, and to help the people rebuild their lives....

The man was sitting at his desk, looking at the photo of his toddler son on his smartphone. He had recently remarried, and his new wife had a child from her previous marriage. The man was happy to finally be a father, but he was also struggling to adjust to his new role.

His smartphone rang, and he saw that it was his wife calling. He hesitated for a moment, then answered the phone.

“What is it?” he asked.

“You need to come home,” his wife said. “The news is on TV. Israel is bombing Gaza again.”

The man sighed. He had been trying to avoid thinking about the war, but now it was impossible. He turned on the TV and saw the images of destruction. He saw women and children crying, and he saw buildings being reduced to rubble.

He felt a wave of anger wash over him. How could this be happening? Why were innocent people being killed?

He turned off the TV and stood up. He knew that he had to do something.

He called his friend, who was a doctor.

“I want to go to Gaza,” he said. “I want to help the people there.”

His friend was hesitant at first, but the man convinced him. They packed a bag of medical supplies and got in the car.

They drove for hours, and when they finally arrived in Gaza, they were shocked by what they saw. The city was in ruins. There were buildings collapsed all around them, and the streets were filled with debris.

They went to the nearest hospital, and the man immediately started helping the wounded. He worked for hours, and he saw things that he would never forget. He saw children with shrapnel wounds, and he saw people with burns all over their bodies.

But he also saw the resilience of the human spirit. He saw people helping each other, even though they had lost everything.

The man knew that he couldn’t stay in Gaza forever, but he also knew that he couldn’t leave. He had to do everything he could to help the people there.

No ceasefire possible
Until all hostages released
Goes dark
Main Gaza hospital
Intense fighting

He vowed to stay in Gaza until the war was over, and to help the people rebuild their lives.

Main Gaza hospital goes dark during intense fighting; Netanyahu says no ceasefire possible until all hostages released
