Drugs that blow away drowsiness are basically prohibited from being used. The reason is that the side effects associated with the use of the drug are seriously dangerous.
In addition, the drug is expensive, partly because it is legally banned. Unusual means may even be chosen to purchase expensive drugs.
In any case, if you want to get rid of drowsiness, I recommend putting sweet gum in your mouth. Especially when driving a car, it is effective to chew gum.
If you still feel sleepy, set your phone to hands-free and chat with someone. You won’t fall asleep while having a fun conversation, such as listening to the rumors of your disliked boss.
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- Does information bring a lot of insight?
- Even if the credibility of information is a topic, the important thing is to collect information.
Information is a component and itself does not bring any insight. After a lot of information is collected and organized, it gives us a certain amount of knowledge.
Fortunately, I’ve never seen a train driver make a hands-free call. I’ve never even seen them chewing gum. Oops, I don’t care about that. I’m looking out the train window.
Look, take a look. This train is flying in the air. The town I live in can be seen at the bottom. I can see that road and that building under my chin.
I’m not asleep. I’m on the monorail. The monorail is a train that runs in the air.
- Is the aggregated information valuable?
- Therefore, we should be aware of where or when information is aggregated.
Specifically, the place and time when many people gather. A lot of information will be gathered there.
Of course, even though more than half of them are crap.
The town I live in looked small and big. I realized that I lived in such a cute town.
That’s all for today’s post. Thank you