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Action Speaks Louder

Sometimes, the best way to find happiness is to focus on what you already have....

Once upon a time, there was a man who couldn’t keep a wife. He had been married twice, but both marriages had ended in divorce. He was now looking for his third wife.

The man was a successful businessman, and he was not bad-looking. He was also very charming, and he could easily talk his way into a woman’s heart. But there was something about him that made women eventually leave him.

Some people said that the man was violent, and that’s why his first wife had left him. Others said that he was just a serial cheater, and that’s why his second wife had left him. But the truth was, the man didn’t really know why his marriages had failed.

One day, the man met a woman with a toddler. The woman was beautiful and intelligent, and the man was immediately smitten. They got married a few months later, and the man became stepfather to the toddler.

At first, the man was happy. He loved his new wife and stepson very much. But after a while, he started to feel restless. He missed the excitement of the chase, and he started to look at other women.

One day, the man’s wife caught him cheating on her. She was heartbroken, and she filed for divorce. The man was devastated. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t keep a wife.

The man’s friends and family tried to talk to him about his problem, but he refused to listen. He was convinced that he was the victim, and that all of his wives had been wrong for him.

One day, the man was sitting at his desk, looking at a photo of his stepson. He realized that he had missed out on so much of the toddler’s life because he had been too busy chasing other women.

The man decided to change his ways. He went to therapy and learned how to manage his anger. He also started to volunteer at a local homeless shelter.

The man is now a single father, but he is happy. He is finally focused on what is important in life: his son and his career. He knows that he may never find love again, but he is okay with that. He is finally content with his life.

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Moral of the story: Sometimes, the best way to find happiness is to focus on what you already have.

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