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Rest = Productivity Boost

He realized that he couldn't find happiness in other people until he learned to love and accept himself....

Once upon a time, there was a man who was looking for his third wife. He had already been married twice before, and each time, he had e

nded up divorcing his wife.

His first wife had left him because of his violence. His second wife had left him because she couldn’t handle being a stepmother to his toddler son.

But the man didn’t let his past failures stop him. He was determined to find a woman who would be his perfect wife and mother to his son.

He met his current wife last year. She was a divorced woman with a toddler daughter. They fell in love quickly and got married a few months later.

At first, everything was perfect. The man and his new wife were happy, and their children got along well. But then, the man started to change.

He became more and more controlling and demanding. He started to get angry at his wife and son for little things.

One day, the man’s wife had had enough. She packed her bags and left with her daughter. The man was devastated.

He didn’t understand why his wife had left him. He thought he was being a good husband and father.

But the truth was, the man was still the same violent and controlling man he had always been. He just hadn’t shown it to his new wife at first.

Now, the man was alone again. He was still in love with his son, but he knew that he couldn’t take care of him on his own.

So, he started looking for a third wife. He wanted to find a woman who would be willing to be a stepmother to his son, even though he knew that he was a difficult man to live with.

The man searched for a long time, but he couldn’t find the right woman. He started to lose hope.

One day, the man was sitting at his desk at work. He was feeling tired and stressed. He looked at the photo of his son on his phone wallpaper.

The man realized that he was being selfish. He was putting his own needs before his son’s. He knew that his son needed a mother, and he was determined to find one for him, no matter what.

So, the man decided to change his ways. He started going to therapy to learn how to control his anger. He also started spending more time with his son and getting to know him better.

After a few months, the man was a changed man. He was more patient and understanding. He was also more loving and affectionate.

One day, the man met a woman at a coffee shop. They started talking and quickly realized that they had a lot in common.

The woman was a single mother with a young son. She was also a kind and compassionate person.

The man and the woman started dating, and they quickly fell in love. The man’s son also loved the woman, and they all got along very well.

A few months later, the man proposed to the woman, and she said yes. They got married a few months later, and the man finally had the family he had always wanted.

The man and his new wife were very happy together. They raised their children together and loved them unconditionally.

Adequate Rest
Restorative Sleep
Energy Restoration
Stress Reduction
Emotional Regulation
Physical Health
Enhanced Concentration
Improved Cognitive Abilities
Increased Alertness
Reduced Stress Levels
Stable Emotions
Enhanced Immune System
Improved Focus

The man learned a valuable lesson from his past relationships. He realized that he couldn’t find happiness in other people until he learned to love and accept himself.

The official site for the 188th Oktoberfest from September 16 to October 3, 2023
