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Suppressing Unfriendly Acts

He is grateful for the second chance that he has been given....

The man’s phone sat on his desk, surrounded by mugs, donut halves, tissue paper, and permanent marker pens. A photo of a smiling toddler was displayed as the wallpaper. It was a child who had recently become his.

He had remarried last year and suddenly met a toddler. His current wife had also been through a divorce.

By marriage between remarried people, he suddenly had a child, and the child suddenly had a new father. However, the child was still two years old, so he didn’t know the details.

It was rumored that the reason he had divorced his first wife was his violence. Whatever the reason, he had been able to remarry soon after the divorce to another woman with a child.

And now he was looking for a third wife.

Can lead to
May not guarantee
Can create
Suppressing Unfriendly Acts
Positive Outcome
Establishing Friendly Relations

The man’s name was Ken. He was a successful businessman, but his personal life was a mess. He had been married twice, and both marriages had ended in divorce. He now had a two-year-old son, but he was struggling to be a good father.

Ken was a volatile man. He had a quick temper and he was easily angered. He had also been physically abusive to his first wife.

Ken knew that he needed to change his ways. He wanted to be a better father to his son. He also wanted to find a woman who would love and accept him for who he was.

But Ken wasn’t sure how to change. He had tried therapy, but it hadn’t helped. He was still the same angry, violent man.

One day, Ken was reading a book about interpersonal relationships. He came across a passage about establishing friendly relations by concretely suppressing unfriendly acts.

Ken realized that this was what he needed to do. He needed to start controlling his anger and suppressing his violent tendencies.

Ken began to meditate regularly. He also started seeing a therapist who specialized in anger management.

It wasn’t easy, but Ken was determined to change. He knew that he couldn’t keep living the way he was.

After a few months of hard work, Ken started to see a difference in himself. He was less angry and more patient. He was also able to control his temper better.

Ken was proud of himself for how far he had come. He knew that he wasn’t perfect, but he was trying to be a better man.

One day, Ken met a woman named Sarah. Sarah was also a single parent with a child. Ken was immediately drawn to her. She was kind, compassionate, and understanding.

Ken and Sarah started dating and they quickly fell in love. Ken was honest with Sarah about his past, and she accepted him for who he was.

Ken and Sarah got married a year later. They blended their families together and created a new home for themselves and their children.

Ken is now a happy and fulfilled man. He is a good father to his son and a loving husband to his wife. He is grateful for the second chance that he has been given.

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