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A Glimpse from the Election Management Committee

But amidst the uncertainty, one thing was clear: the will of the Mexican people would prevail, and it was our honor to be the custodians of their voice.....

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the bustling streets of Mexico City slowly quieted, but inside the Election Management Committee’s headquarters, the atmosphere was anything but calm. I, Mariana, a member of the committee, watched as the last of the ballots were securely transported to our facility. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on my shoulders; ensuring a fair and transparent election was our paramount duty.

The day had been fraught with tension. Pollsters had projected a victory for Claudia Sheinbaum, the former mayor, with a significant lead over her rival, Xóchitl Gálvez. Yet, as the night wore on, the official results were still pending, and the air was thick with anticipation. Ms. Gálvez’s call for patience resonated with us; the integrity of the process was at stake.

Our committee had worked tirelessly, navigating the complexities of an election marred by violence. The tragic loss of candidates and the assaults on polling stations in Puebla cast a shadow over our democratic process. It was a stark reminder of the challenges we faced in safeguarding the nation’s will.

Ms. Sheinbaum’s tenure as mayor and her affiliation with the popular outgoing president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, had certainly influenced the electorate. Her promises to continue his legacy, coupled with the backing of a leader who enjoyed high approval ratings, had bolstered her campaign. Yet, questions lingered about her autonomy from the influential president.

Across the aisle, Ms. Gálvez’s campaign had resonated with those weary of Morena’s rule. Her vows to confront crime head-on and to reinforce the institutions allegedly weakened by Mr. López Obrador struck a chord with many. The promise of a “bravest president” was a powerful message in a nation yearning for security and stability.

As the clock ticked towards the announcement of the official results, I reflected on the gravity of our work. The future of Mexico hinged on the authenticity of these elections. Our commitment to democracy was unyielding, and as a woman in a position of such significance, I felt a profound sense of duty to uphold the values that define our nation.

Pollsters predicted 61-year-old former mayor of Mexico City won
56% of the vote?
Convincingly beat Xóchitl Gálvez
Unexpected result

The night would be long, and the world’s eyes were upon us. But amidst the uncertainty, one thing was clear: the will of the Mexican people would prevail, and it was our honor to be the custodians of their voice.

Sheinbaum to be Mexico’s first woman leader, exit polls say
