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Also joined there, but paint applied when accused


The number of security cameras has increased on the streets, but traffic lights are still active everywhere, and in general, a blue signal means “passable”, but isn’t it green? Have you ever had such a question?

Our view is free1

On the 29th, just before the 70th anniversary of the founding of Communist China, people who agreed to protests in Hong Kong gathered in Taipei, Taiwan. Denise Ho(何韻詩), an artist, also joined there, but red paint was put on her head when she accused China2

It is not Dennis who was painted with red paint3

free interpretations

  1. Recently, light bulbs have been replaced with LEDs, and traffic lights have become brighter with less power, even though LEDs are expensive. The blue color emitted by such traffic lights looks green for some people. Even if it ’s called a green signal, it ’s good. Our view is free.
    However, regarding the color of the red signal, its color and brightness should not be constant, but it is unified as red. Whether people look pink or orange, the red light is generally believed to be red, and no one stops and asks questions.
    why? That’s because red is the color of blood flowing through our bodies. So, red eliminates various perspectives. In front of the red, various free interpretations are not proposed.
    Our bodies do not have blue, green or yellow parts, at least as solids or liquids. They are rather unfamiliar colors. So it doesn’t matter whether the blue looks green or the yellow fades to orange.
    When we see red, we remember our bodies, so how we see them is absolute rather than relative. Concepts kept in red are strong. Do you feel such a trend?
    LED Traffic Signals: A Brighter Choice | Blog | NHSaves
    What Color is the Sun? - Stanford Solar Center
    Primary Colors Are Red, Yellow and Blue, Right? Well, Not … ↩︎

  2. Hong Kong activist Denise Ho doused in paint … | Taiwan News
    Canto-pop singer Denise Ho calls on UN Human Rights …
    Hong Kong Canto-pop star Denise Ho barred from playing in … ↩︎

  3. The object painted red is “free”. I think freedom was painted red.
    The people around her and the media were also painted red. The microphones used by the news media were also painted. The press should not wipe off these paints. Microphones painted red should be used in the future. Because they are evidence that conveys the essence of China.
    Of course, I don’t know the details in detail, so I can only make simple posts. Still, I would like to say that sealing speech with violence is a downplay of the “freedom” that our ancestors have won, and denying all of us.
    If fucking avant-garde drawings like this one are left unchecked, we will run backward on the historic road that we have traveled. The legacy, sacrifice, and bloodshed left by the predecessors may be neglected.
    Problems of Communism
    Chinese Ethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
    Abraham Lincoln - Wikiquote ↩︎

What are the traffic lights for?
To control the flow of pedestrians and cars. But don’t rely on traffic lights. Let’s see the surroundings and pass through the city at your own risk. That’s because laws and regulations do not help you. That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
