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Invited and arrive, will be assigned to sit

בהתבסס על תוצאות הבחירות האחרונות, נשיא המדינה ראובן ריבלין מינה את נתניהו לראש ממשלת ישראל והורה על הקמת ממשל חדש תוך 28 יום …

When you are invited to a friend’s wedding and arrive at the ceremony, you will be assigned a seat to sit at the entrance. After the seating plan is displayed, find your name and sit in the designated seat. It is not a non-reserved seat but a reserved seat.

בהתבסס על תוצאות הבחירות האחרונות, נשיא המדינה ראובן ריבלין מינה את נתניהו לראש ממשלת ישראל והורה על הקמת ממשל חדש תוך 28 יום

Looking at the seating plan, the seat where the most exciting and beloved friends were assigned is near the door on the side of the venue.1

Based on recent election results, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin nominated Netanyahu as Prime Minister of Israel and ordered a new administration to be formed within 28 days.2

Isn’t his older brother involved as one of the secrets of Netanyahu’s political life that was thrown away by US President Donald Trump?3

a contract
a new family

  1. The bride and groom sit far apart in the center, and the matchmakers sit beside them. Invited people sit in a radial order in the order of their family register. The style of chairs and dishes placed is similar to the hierarchy, but rather fan-shaped to form a new family structure. The form shows the social relations involved in this marriage.
    Of course, the wedding format is free. But basically it is a form that informs the composition of a new household.
    Friends who are already drunk will be confused. Oh? Isn’t our seat in the center? Not. Marriage is a contract between different families and it does not bless friendships.
    Wedding Reception Seating Etiquette 101 - The Knot
    Wedding Ceremony Seating Basics: Where to Seat Guests at …
    Free-seating vs. seating chart | Weddings, Etiquette and Advice … ↩︎

  2. If this is not possible, a third election may be held. However, no one would like to have three elections a year. So Netanyahu, who barely surrendered politically, must win over 61 seats within a fortunate period.
    “Immortal Bibi”, which had gained the support of 55 members through subsequent adjustments, should have lost the vote, but defeated the centrist Blue and White party backed by 54 members. He is a magician. He says: I’m not good, but better than the centrist Blue and White party.
    Israeli President Netanyahu Tapped to Form New Government
    Netanyahu tapped by Israel’s president to form new … - Reuters
    Explainer: Only Bibi no more - Israel’s Netanyahu seeks power … ↩︎

  3. His older elder brother was killed by terrorism. The Israelites may remember that.
    Anyway, Mr. Netanyahu! Let’s arrange only the form of the cabinet within 28 days. But remember unforeseen circumstances. You may be charged with three corruption cases next month. Benny Gantz, who heads the centrist Blue and White party, isn’t going to be a coalition in the new government by sticking with such a card.
    Trump gives Golan Heights ‘gift’ to Israel’s Netanyahu, who …
    Yonatan Netanyahu
    Blue and White source: Netanyahu wants elections, not unity … ↩︎

Whether you think of marriage as a start, a goal, heaven or the opposite is up to you.
However, it is only certain that it is a break, and that reminds me of the basic format. That doesn’t mean anymore. That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
