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Be necessary to achieve breakthroughs

2023-04-21 12:53:07

I think that the condition of toys that small children are happy with is the color.


When it comes to girls, their favorite toy colors seem to be pink and red.
On the other hand, the colors of toys that young boys choose are probably blue and green.
This is a statistical story, and I’m not going to bring up the gender theory here.
Unfortunately, girls often compete for pink toys.
When there are only a few toys, a small contest begins as to which girl wins the red or pink toy.
Empirically, their guardians solve the problem.
Of course, I’m not going to say a word about the issue of gender.

What are the conditions that enable breakthroughs?
Conditions that enable breakthroughs include elements such as:
A strong desire to solve problems: A strong desire to solve problems is necessary to achieve breakthroughs. This desire may stem from the benefits that the problem will bring or the goals that can be achieved by solving the problem.
Discover new ideas: New ideas must be found to enable breakthroughs. For this purpose, creativity and imagination are required, and we are always required to take on new challenges.
Motivation: Achieving breakthroughs requires the right motivation. This means enabling people to be passionate about their ideas and work hard to pursue them.
Technological Innovation: The latest technological innovations are required to enable breakthroughs. This requires actively exploring and implementing new technologies and approaches.
Organizational Culture: Organizational culture is critical to achieving breakthroughs. This means building a culture for fostering creative ideas and actively exploring and implementing new ideas.
Together, these elements create an enabling environment for breakthroughs.
