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Regulate the behavior

2023-04-06 10:58:09

I don’t quite understand the purpose of the navigation system.


Certainly, a navigation system would be of great help to those who drive cars.
But for those who travel on foot or by bicycle, it is questionable whether navigation is useful. I wonder how effective the navigation system played.
For example, suppose you use a navigation system to travel from one point to another by bicycle.
At this time, the navigation system will provide the best and fastest route.
But the route is extremely full of mystery.
At worst, we have to go off the beaten track.
On the other hand, the navigation system tells us whether there was such a road here.
So, how to use the navigation system is to say that we should not stop thinking until the end.

Can Law Control Thought?
Laws are norms that regulate the behavior and relationships of people in society and maintain proper order. Laws can restrict people’s actions to a certain extent, but they cannot directly control people’s thoughts.
People’s thoughts and beliefs are formed based on individual free decision-making. Laws are enacted to protect individual liberty and guarantee freedom of thought and belief. Controlling thought by law leads to human rights violations and undermines individual dignity.
However, the law can prohibit certain actions or actions if they are likely to cause harm to others or society. In addition, some laws may prohibit certain thoughts or expressions, but these laws are enacted with consideration for human rights and apply only to a limited extent.
In general, laws are norms necessary to maintain order in society, but they cannot directly control people’s thoughts.
