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Showing posts from August, 2019

Ideally, make list of stock, update daily, buy and consume by referring

1951 में, NRC (नेशनल रजिस्टर ऑफ सिटिजन्स ऑफ इंडिया) भारत में बनाया गया था, और इस अपडेटेड वर्जन की घोषणा 31 अगस्त को की गई थी। फिर, असम में रहने वाले 2 मिलियन लोग, आदि NRC के नए वर्जन में पंजीकृत नहीं हैं। A few days ago, I made a small mistake. I forgot to buy potatoes. Hurry up and went to a store nearby. 1951 में, NRC (नेशनल रजिस्टर ऑफ सिटिजन्स ऑफ इंडिया) भारत में बनाया गया था, और इस अपडेटेड वर्जन की घोषणा 31 अगस्त को की गई थी। फिर, असम में रहने वाले 2 मिलियन लोग, आदि NRC के नए वर्जन में पंजीकृत नहीं हैं। I ran to a store different from the one that sells cheap and delicious potatoes 1 In 1951, the NRC (National Register of Citizens of India) was created in India, and this updated version was announced on August 31. 2 It was said that the resistance to managing the population with a list was due to the problem from a humanitarian point of view, 3 potatoes a store different good? delicious surprisingly, better fresh? fresh fresh chea...

Seemed obligation to submit was silent pressure

8月31日,計劃在香港舉行“雨傘運動”(2014年)五週年大規模示威活動,但香港當局暫時拘留了幾名領導人。 Let the lovable child travel. It was often said before. So if you have kids, would you let them travel? Few parents do so. 8月31日,計劃在香港舉行“雨傘運動”(2014年)五週年大規模示威活動,但香港當局暫時拘留了幾名領導人。 Hey, travel is fun because travelers move freely, and it’s strange to plan ahead 1 On August 31, a large-scale demonstration was planned for the 5th anniversary of the “Umbrella Movement” (2014) in Hong Kong, but the Hong Kong authorities temporarily detained several leaders in advance. 2 The Hong Kong government applied silent pressure by picking and restraining young people with advertising effects 3 travelers discounts administrative want to go somewhere a little cheaper wanted to use applied write a travel plan submitted approved issued not interesting travelers discounts administrative We want to go somewhere farther during the summer holidays. Are there still student discounts in circulation? The bene...

No inconvenient even if can't decide

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who pointed out that "backstop" is "anti-democratic", has decided to take an anti-democratic measure by keeping members out of the British Parliament for about a month I’m not going to boast of a personality that can’t decide things. I can’t decide if I’m invited to go to a meal or drink next Friday. I don’t know what the future is, so I can’t decide whether to go or not. I can’t decide if I’m invited to go to a meal or drink next Friday 1 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who pointed out that “backstop” is “anti-democratic”, 2 Who will help the UK? 3 mood schedule Friends next Friday announced don't know what the future is can't decide Friday message gather within 30 minutes mood schedule Friends The schedule has become less meaningful recently. With the spread of mobile terminals, there is no problem even if the meeting place and time are determined immediately b...

May prejudiced but want appeal

From September 14 to October 14. The British Parliament temporarily closes. Prime Minister Boris Johnson offered to Elizabeth II for approval Is friendship established between men and women? No one discusses such old or new issues. Then, is friendship established between women? If there are multiple women, 1 From September 14 to October 14, The British Parliament temporarily closes 2 In that sense, isn’t UK democracy a fake? 3 workplace rank queen second Bottom friendship reducing productivity C A B A B C battle selection In conclusion, no friendship is established between women. This is because women’s society is a rank society formed by vertical order. What are the criteria for ranking? First, age. And look. Then the loyalty to the queen. The sum of these three points determines the ranking. This analysis may be prejudiced, but I want to appeal without fear or favor. If there are multiple women, there will always be a battle for rank, ...

Offered but unacceptable because superiority wraps

At the G7 Summit, French President Macron announced that he would provide Brazil with about $ 20 million as a cost for the French army to engage in fire fighting Help those in need. There is such a movement in the world, but it is fundamentally wrong. Those who say help should be helped, but those who do not say it should not be helped. Na cúpula do G7, o presidente francês Macron anunciou que daria ao Brasil cerca de US $ 20 milhões como um custo para o exército francês se engajar em combate a incêndios. No entanto, o governo brasileiro recusou a oferta. As is often the case, when you were on the train and sitting on a seat, an elderly person (compared to you) stood in front of you 1 The Amazon rainforest fire never ends. At the G7 Summit, French President Macron announced that he would provide Brazil with about $ 20 million as a cost for the French army to engage in fire fighting 2 the reason that Brazil expressed its readiness to accept support is th...

The outline is thin

On August 26th, a meeting on climate change was held at the G7 Summit. The chairman is French President Macron. US President Trump was absent What are allies? Is it a relationship that helps each other toward one goal? Lors de cette réunion au sommet, la déclaration d’ensemble n’a pas été adoptée comme auparavant, mais seuls les procès-verbaux de la réunion préparés par le président Macron ont été annoncés. At this time, the team members are allies 1 On August 26th, a meeting on climate change was held at the G7 Summit. 2 At this 45th G7 summit meeting, the overall declaration as before was not adopted, but only the meeting minutes prepared by President Macron for each individual issue were announced. 3 . allies enemy team allies enemy competition allies enemy a goal enemy watching well Suppose you are a member of a dance team. All members of the team are practicing to win the competition. Practice with the music. How stron...

Prevented entering, so able relatively freely

French President Emmanuel Macron invited Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif I cut a thin piece of wood with a saw and stuck it with an adhesive to make a toy boat about 20 cm long. The power is a small motor powered by batteries. رئیس جمهور فرانسه امانوئل مکرون از محمد جواد ظریف وزیر امور خارجه ایران دعوت کرد. پیش از افتتاح نشست G7 ، دو طرف برای گفتگو درباره تسلط ایران درباره تسلیحات هسته ای ملاقات کردند. Iran's active diplomacy in pursuit of constructive engagement continues. Met @EmmanuelMacron on sidelines of #G7Biarritz after extensive talks with @JY_LeDrian & Finance Min. followed by a joint briefing for UK/Germany. Road ahead is difficult. But worth trying. — Javad Zarif (@JZarif) 2019年8月25日 The boat I made at the age of 12 was shaped like a car 1 French President Emmanuel Macron invited Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. 2 You are fired! 3 boat Belief 1 Dish plate sim...