“Assuming I work in a place and a straight road leads from my home to the workplace. If I have to make a round trip almost every day, I will not be able to tolerate. ‘’
儘管天氣陰雨,民間人權陣線組織的和平示威活動在香港舉行。 超過150萬人表現出來
Looking at the old map, even the main streets are winding rather than straight1
A peaceful demonstration organized by the Civil Rights Human Front was held in Hong Kong despite rainy weather.2
I feel like a street is not just a road3
Someone said. This is still memorable. That’s true. When moving from one place to another, if there is a straight path, it is the shortest distance, so it is efficient. However, just imagining going back and forth almost every day makes us unhealthy. I can’t stand that. Because I think that when people are in an environment where there is no change, they will gradually atrophy.
I have heard some reason for the road. It seems that the road when people were moving on foot before the car became popular was not straight. It was winding.
Originally, humans may not be creatures that can walk straight. Because it ’s a biped. It is unstable compared to quadrupedal walking. Also, walking people sometimes see the scenery and take a break, so it may not be suitable for walking straight.
Looking at the old map, even the main streets are winding rather than straight. When walking people move on rough terrain, they bypass the ground level difference from the viewpoint of reducing fatigue. For this reason, the road is greatly curved on the map.
However, if you detour too much, your destination will be far. Therefore, the smallest detour path that can withstand fatigue is found, and many people pass through it so that the optimum path is finally established.
human bipedal walking: Topics by Science.gov
Notes and queries: Why is walking round a museum so tiring? Relax …
Why Standing in One Place Makes Your Legs More Sore Than Walking ↩︎More than 1.5 million people demonstrated. Over 20% of Hong Kong’s population. As a percentage, one in five Hong Kong residents demonstrated.
It was originally planned to gather in Victoria Park, and the meeting in the park was allowed, but more demonstrators gathered than expected, and some overflowed on the street. The demonstration on the street was illegal, but there seemed to be no major confusion.
Despite the rain, one out of five Hong Kong residents protested. Already, the move to not extradite freedom to China is mainstream in Hong Kong. The protests included the resignation of Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam, and voices criticizing excessive crackdowns.
Poverty in Hong Kong hits record high, with 1 in 5 people considered
Hong Kong protests enter 11th consecutive weekend: Follow live -
Hong Kong protests: Huge crowds rally peacefully - BBC News ↩︎It is a spacetime where many people gather. Space and time where things and information gathering, as there are separation and meeting of people. Something always starts from the street. If something is crushed, the street will turn into a funeral procession where freedom is buried. ↩︎
What is he doing now that told me good things? I think that friendship is something that gives each other something, but what could I give you? That’s all for today’s post. Tanks are not necessary. Thank you