Is a 6-year-old child a child? The reason is that a child who is six years old learns a little logic and starts to judge and act on his own. In addition, he sees his parents as a person. Was the ego sprouted?
대한민국 서울의 한 부모와 자녀가 굶어 죽었습니다.
As long as the parent is proud of having a child, pride is lost when the child is no longer a child.1
A parent and child in a district in Seoul, Korea, starved to death.2
There is no lack of measures to accept North Korean defectors in Korean society, such as re-education and life support3
We are not born with our own will and will not die with our own will. In that respect, it is like a plant.
The condition that we are different from plants is to have an ego. When we have an ego, we begin to think about what we are.
Needless to say, there will be a difference in the degree, but when a child turns 6, he begins to think about himself and his surroundings. It will not be reflected in words or attitudes. So parents often miss it.
However, parents may notice changes in their children. When you realize, you’re going to be lonely?
When the child escapes from childhood little by little, the mother is happy but lonely and hateful. If possible, parents want to stop it. As long as the parent is proud of having a child, pride is lost when the child is no longer a child. What is me?
Although not allowed in reality, parents dream that their children will not grow forever. I don’t want my son to be stolen by a girl I don’t know! Isn’t that true?
Psychosocial Development in Middle Childhood … - Semantic
Quotes I Have Enjoyed - Dr. Robert Heckendorn
LSD - My Problem Child ↩︎A 42-year-old mother and a 6-year-old boy fell down when the room was examined because a bad smell drifted from the apartment room. The only food left in the room is chili. Two months have passed since death.
According to a survey, the last withdrawal was 3,858 won ($ 3).
According to the testimony of a vegetable seller in a nearby market, this parent and child seemed to be a little troublesome and often bought only one lettuce for 500 won (41 cents). The last time they were witnessed was around spring.
Han Sung-ok: Was this North Korean defector failed by the South?
In Seoul, tragic death of North Korean defector family sparks shock and outrage
Seoul ‘tricked’ North Korean waitresses into defecting, manager ↩︎This mother is a North Korean defector.
There is no lack of measures to accept North Korean defectors in Korean society, such as re-education and life support. But isn’t the society lacking heart?
This parent and child lived in a housing complex in Seoul, but they may have been isolated from their surroundings. We should not allow starvation in the capital of a country. It is wrong to attribute such hell to political responsibility. Because it is a challenge of our hearts. ↩︎
Children have a rebellious period, and they are cursing their parents, but as long as they are cursing, they are still children and their parents are happy. That’s all for today’s post. Thank you