YouTube has become popular, and many people have posted videos there. Posted videos are viewed by an unspecified number of people. Of course, there are many videos with a small number of plays.
تقول عضوة مجلس النواب الأمريكي (رشيدة طالب ، 43 عامًا) من فلسطين إنها لن تزور إسرائيل
That changes the position of people in the family1
Now she is allowed to enter Israel and can meet her grandmother, but she says she will not visit2
But is her family history unrelated to Palestinian reality?3
Many people return to their homes if they can take a rather long vacation in summer. It is an old idea, but there are parents, and if it goes well, there are grandpa and grandma. Grandpas die relatively early, so there are many cases where the grandmother is the oldest in the family.
Grandma is a mysterious role. She is not working, raising children, and not having a companion. Is there loneliness in the family?
But Grandma has a lot of information. She knows everything about family history. So she may be able to make good decisions. She knows not only about her family but also about society in general. And she is terribly familiar with the neighbors.
As with any person, the scope of what people can do depends on their age. In other words, the role changes. That changes the position of people in the family.
When a person is a child, he is in the corner of the family, but when he earns his living expenses by working, he approaches the middle position of the family. If you get married or have a child, you will be almost at the center of your family.
However, as you get older, your position goes out of the middle. In the end, you are again at the edge of your family. Position and role are synchronized.
Living With Grandparents (for Kids) - KidsHealth
Grieving the Death of a Grandparent - What’s Your Grief ↩︎A US Congressman (Rashida Tlaib, 43) from Palestine wanted to visit Israel, but Israel refused to enter the country. Even though she promised not to speak anti-Israel during the visit.
Israel then allowed her entry. Israel has admitted humanitarian reasons for visiting her grandma who lives on the West Bank. However, the condition that she does not do anti-Israel action after entering Israel is added.
Now she is allowed to enter Israel and can meet her grandmother, but she says she will not visit. That’s because conditional entry into Israel hurts Grandma’s heart.
“Visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions meant to humiliate me would break my grandmother’s heart.”
Israeli Decision on Omar and Tlaib Inflames Politics in Two Countries
Trump accuses Rashida Tlaib of ‘complete setup’ over nixed Israel
ABC7 News - "Visiting my grandmother under these… | ↩︎There seems to be criticism that she is using Grandma politically. Might be so.
She seems to have a policy not to visit because of political creeds, but there may be no problem with visiting just to meet her grandma.
Well, there is a difficult proposition here. Can we separate what is named family and what is named society?
She has a family. There is a grandma in the family. She was born in the role of grandma. But is her family history unrelated to Palestinian reality?
History wants to separate reality, but can’t it be separated? Reality can separate history, but do not want to separate it? I wonder if it’s going to be such a battle. ↩︎
When you watch YouTube, there are some outrageous movies. Content that greatly deviates from the conventional media framework is released as it is. Is this the reality that was named a new trend? That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
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