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Flow neither early nor late, returning to usual

أعلن الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب أنه سيتم سحب القوات الأمريكية من سوريا .....

Going is joyful, returning is scary. When going to travel, the flow of time is different between going and returning. After all, when I go to travel, I’m basically thrilled, so I feel like the time goes by.

أعلن الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب أنه سيتم سحب القوات الأمريكية من سوريا

If you look at new scenery, time may be passed by interpreting the scenery, which may speed up the flow of time1

US President Donald Trump has declared that US troops will be withdrawn from Syria2

When it comes to each dispute, every dispute is not established only by every dispute3

daily life
usual time
don't get interested
speed up
slows down

  1. Have you ever arrived at your destination in no time?
    Now you played at your destination. You are a little tired. And on the way home, sleep if you can sleep. It may be because we are tired, but when we turn back, we often don’t get interested because we often return on the path we have taken. Even if you don’t follow the same road, it’s boring for some reason. That is because we turn back into daily life. In addition, I’m not excited.
    After you’ve been thrilled, you’ll remember, “I have to do that when I get home, I have to do this too.” This slows down the flow of time.
    And you arrived at home. At that time, the flow of time is neither early nor late, returning to the usual time. Should this phenomenon be explained as a brain time machine?
    How Travel Killed My Ambition - Heart My Backpack
    Why You Should Quit Your Job and Travel around the World …
    Please Don’t Be Afraid To Travel On Your Own - Wandering Earl ↩︎

  2. This is due to the information that Turkey will invade Syria in a few days.
    The United States has provided military and financial support to Kurds in Syria. The reason is to prevent terrorist activities by ISIS. What will happen to the Kurds if the US troops withdraw now?
    President Endorses Turkish Military Operation in Syria …
    Turkish involvement in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia
    Northern Syria Buffer Zone - Wikipedia ↩︎

  3. Certainly, all plans may be annihilated if the time to cancel is wrong. So it is better to withdraw promptly. However, when it comes to each dispute, every dispute is not established only by every dispute. As a result of the failure of the discussion, people fight.
    So if the leaders withdraw from the dispute, there will be a gap in the discussion process. It will ruin the accumulated negotiations.
    Of course, it is stupid to fight. This is because the fighting is caused by the fact that stupidity has won the negotiations. However, it is stupid to fight, but it is linked to reasons. Does the world believe in negotiations that give up reasons, even if they are stupid reasons?
    Five Ways to Keep Disputes Out of Court
    The Corner | National Review
    A running list of how President Trump is changing environmental ↩︎

في الآونة الأخيرة ، هناك عدد متزايد من الأشخاص الذين لا يريدون الذهاب إلى العمل أو يرغبون في الذهاب إلى المدرسة. هل لأنهم لا ينفعلون؟ من ناحية أخرى ، بعض الناس لا يريدون العودة إلى ديارهم. متى وأين يجب أن نكون متحمسين؟ هذا كل شيء عن وظيفة اليوم. شكرا لك
