Where do you see when interpreting human facial expressions? The opponent’s eyes? mouth? complexion?
Probably the part that can be moved with the least amount of energy is the eye1
The first week of Overwatch “Halloween Terror 2019” that started on October 15 is until tomorrow2
As an aside, Blizzard has updated its visuals in response to the indication that “Ashe skin is difficult to use”3
Your feet use the most energy. Next is your hand, then your mouth. These have to move relatively large muscles.
However, in the case of eyes, the muscles that move it are small. So it’s easy to move. Therefore, the eye is probably the fastest way to convey emotions.
So if you look closely at the other person’s eyes, you can probably guess the other person’s emotional movement.
However, the master may be able to interpret the other person’s feelings by observing the other person’s skin movement and color. This is because the area of the skin is the largest in the body. No one can hide it as long as it covers the whole body.
Therefore, it is not a wasteful effort to judge the other person’s feelings from visual information such as skin color and brightness. Of course, only masters can do that.
Facial expressions show language barriers too | EurekAlert …
Eye expressions offer a glimpse into the evolution of emotion …
Happy mouth and sad eyes: scanning emotional facial … - NCBI ↩︎The second week begins on the 22nd.
New sprays, emotes and skins are now available. Eight skins are waiting for you, especially for Pharaoh Ana, Warlock Ashe, Demon Orisa, Will-o’-Wisp Tracer, Scorpion Widowmaker, Inferno Junkrat, Vampire Baptiste and Gorgon Lucio. People who win during the campaign can get a variety of items.
The focus will be on three characters in the three weeks until November 4. Each week’s winner will get new skins for Sombra, Baptist, and Junkrat. The first week is Junkrat. The second week is Baptiste.
And in the final week, Sombra is the main player. Do not lose sight of the “Demon Hunter skin” that was distributed as a bonus!
Overwatch seasonal events - Wikipedia
‘Overwatch’ Halloween 2019 skins, event, release date, start …
Overwatch ↩︎The Halloween skin that was pointed out was popular, but once you started playing, it was very difficult to see the gun aiming. It was yellow, thick, opaque and narrow.
Game director Jeff Kaplan read this post and immediately expanded the scope of the aiming site and changed it to a plain color.
I think this kind of correction work is fast. User requests are immediately fed back. This is another feature of online games.
Blizzard is fixing Ashe’s ‘unusable’ Halloween skin - Polygon
Overwatch’s Ashe to get patch to fix “unusable” Halloween skin
Blizzard is working on a fix for Ashe’s new Halloween skin in … ↩︎