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Wouldn't it be okay to conclude the preference is almost fixed?

Which sweets do you want to put in your basket during Halloween? …..

What people like isn’t constant, so what they eat, wear and do is all chosen according to their preference. If you care for others, you should not neglect what others choose.

Yes, which sweets do you want to put in your basket during Halloween?2

This is also almost confirmed, but Halloween is actually troublesome in American society3

peoplepreferencemerchantsmooddon't pushMoving the asscreditworthinessmoodsuggestpickpeoplepreferencemerchants

  1. But what seems to be preferred doesn’t seem to be constant forever. The motivation to choose changes drastically depending on the mood of the day. What you choose depends on your mood. If you want someone to choose something, don’t push it, but suggest it at a time when it is preferred by that person. Then people may pick what you suggest.
    I know a small law. It seems that whether the sales talks by the merchants are good or bad is not related to how well they talked. Talking well doesn’t mean that sales talk is good. This is because even a quiet person steadily completes the contract documents. why?
    Look, the guy who doesn’t speak is acting. Moving the ass leads to creditworthiness. I don’t think this is limited to the sales industry. Persuasive power is not composed only of words. It is essential to act from beginning to end.
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  2. Such a questionnaire survey was conducted in the United States. Open the package containing the survey results.
    The winner was “Reese ’s Peanut Butter Cups” (Hershey). 36% of respondents recommended it.
    Runner-up was “Snickers” (Mars), 18%.
    Third place, “M & M ’s” (Mars), 11%.
    Fourth place, “Hershey bars” (Hershey) and “candy corn”, 6%.
    Then “Skittles”, 5%. “Starburst” 4%. “Tootsie Pops”, 2%.
    The remaining 20% ​​probably contains cheap confectionery.
    For example, “Dum Dums”, “Smarties”, “Jolly Ranchers”, etc.
    Wouldn’t it be okay to conclude that the preference for Halloween candy is almost fixed?
    NCA Survey: America’s favorite Halloween treat is chocolate …
    Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are America’s favorite Halloween candy
    Halloween Survey

  3. Although it should be a holiday, the charitable meaning has expanded in some areas, and many people do not like it.
    Being Charitable Toward Others - Charter for Compassion
    Section 3. Being Charitable Towards Others - Community Tool
    Rich People Should Be Putting Out Better Halloween Candy, Woman Argues

I keep eating my favorite food, but it’s not my taste but my personality. Will you get bored if you eat the same thing every day? No, I don’t get bored. The taste depends on the mood of the day. So by continuing to eat the same thing, I can know my own feelings. That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
