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Perhaps a 1:10 male-female ratio will not extinct the organism.

That’s why men and women have different qualities of work.....

Perhaps a 1:10 male-female ratio will not extinct the organism.


Since ancient times, humankind has drawn various paintings, but if you look closely at those paintings, you will see many working women. How many works do you know about working men?

Especially in the field of agriculture, there are many pictures of women working hard.

What does this mean?

I wonder if many paintings were drawn because women’s paintings are more preferred.

Rather, it may mean that women have been working longer for a long time.

Since modern times, women’s social participation and gender equality have been established as one trend. The idea is that women should get out of the home and play an active role in society.

However, when measuring working hours, women will work longer than men. Of course, if the data includes domestic work at home.

The reason why domestic work has traditionally been assigned to women can be attributed to the physical condition of women. In other words, domestic work has a short travel distance and does not interfere with childbirth.

Men, on the other hand, have been assigned more social work than domestic work because they are physically easier to go out.

That’s why men and women have different qualities of work.

Women’s labor is essential to their lives, and men’s labor is to add value. The former is free and the latter is paid.

Wages were paid for the paid labor assigned to men. As money became more credible, the predominance of wage-earning labor as if it were of higher value.

However, the foundation of such high-value labor is at home, and the home is maintained by unpaid work by women.

Therefore, certain checks will be required for women’s participation in society. Because if women participate in society and engage in paid labor, no one will do domestic work and the foundation of all labor may be devastated.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
