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To untie the tangled string, reverse the tangled process

How could they do that? .....

To untie the tangled string, reverse the tangled process. I know in theory.

various angles

A developing country in Southeast Asia imported machine tools from developed countries.

Local engineers gathered and engineers from the machine maker gave a lecture about the machine.

There was a lot to tell. Machine tool mechanism, work, maintenance method, adjustment method, and other precautions.

After a series of lectures, local engineers began to practice disassembling and assembling machines.

The machine tool was disassembled, and some unknown parts were lined up.

The instructor intended to assemble the machine while explaining the manual.

However, the local engineers did not look at the manual, started assembling while discussing, and restored the machine to its original state.

Local engineers didn’t look at the manual, even though it wasn’t easy for even the machine tool expert to assemble without looking at the manual.

How could they do that?

They were observing the process of decomposition. They gathered around and each person remembered the disassembly process from various angles.

By combining the information obtained from many angles when assembling, the three-dimensional process was restored and it was possible to assemble more accurately.

Information restored from a collective perspective, rather than a single perspective, is three-dimensional. It is more accurate than a single manual because it integrates diverse knowledge and information.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
