“Wow! It’s hot every day. Take care of your health. If you feel physically exhausted, take a break.”
A boss who was considerate of his subordinates advised his subordinates.
Subordinates cannot learn anything new from such advice. Everyone actively tries to take breaks when they are physically exhausted, but his boss monitors who is out of work for how long.
Ukraine, Russia trade blame for nuclear plant shelling amid global alarm | Reuters… Calling any attack on a nuclear plant “suicidal”, …
- What are the activities that support the expansion of the world view?
- Our worldview continues to expand. Our knowledge of more distant and larger worlds expands.
But if we are to take control of the larger world, another direction of insight is essential. It’s a subtle worldview.
Where were you, what were you doing? Such questions are a thing of the past. Currently, GPS is functioning in mobile terminals for business use, so information about who is sitting where is shared instantly.
What the subordinates desperately want to know is how to take a leisurely break without being criticized by their superiors. Some smart guys seem to know the tricks, but the tricks aren’t shared.
- Who decides the size of the world?
- subtle world view? Yes, our great adventures are underpinned by examining and organizing the invisible, subtle world at hand.
Because no matter how big the world we sail into, we always act and judge based on our mind and body.
So the size of the world doesn’t have that much of an impact on what we do. The factor that most strongly influences our behavior is ourselves.
Maybe we decide how big the world is.
In short, those who know how to rest will be able to work without problems, and those who cannot rest well will be hospitalized with heatstroke.
While many personal details are shared, no information is shared about how to take a good break. How strange!
That’s all for today’s post. Thank you