March 28 7:59 am. I hope to begin soon. Good morning. It is cloudy again this morning. There is a lot of cloudy skies this season, really. I’m not very familiar with the weather, but the low pressure and high pressure are pushing and pulling each other, and the weather on that day will be decided. There was a time when public agencies had announced weather forecasts, is it still so? Can you say that you have commissioned the private sector? A weather forecaster predicts the weather on his own.
On the other hand, using a supercomputer, the weather is expected with a high degree of accuracy, but it seems that such high-level information is not disclosed to the general public.
Things have levels, and there are high levels, medium levels, and low levels. The interesting thing about software is that there is software that is easy to use so that anyone can use it at first. I feel like there was a lot of such software on the Macintosh. At first, anyone can use it, but some information will allow you to use it a little higher. You can change the program code a bit, have hidden buttons, or change settings. So, such information is not known to the beginner. So, unless a beginner is interested and starts looking, the beginner cannot use the medium level. They can not do it forever. I thought that such a mechanism was interesting.
People who think that “I can use even at low levels, so I do not want to know more than that” can be satisfied with that. If you get tired of its low-level usage, you want to use it more, or if you encounter problems while it’s in use and wants to troubleshoot, if you do, the beginners will start exploring. At that time, the information is disclosed to a book or the net, to which the information is disclosed to some extent.
While absorbing it yourself and devising something that is not in the manual, you will be able to use a slightly higher level. And those who think that they are usable, sufficient, and useful while they’re embroiled in the middle level will stop there, but those who want to use even higher up will probably read the text, not just the information There must be. That’s the text of programming, isn’t it? Of course, I think that less than 10% of people go there. But the door is open to such people. I think, maybe. I have never been there before. The software also responds flexibly to people who want to do more than customization.
Speaking of games, is it a hidden item, a trick? From the occasional opportunity, the deep world, new usage spreads. I thought it was interesting. Because I feel that such services have never been there before.
Well, by default, there is an attitude that does not include the explanation leading to the high place. There is a level of immersiveness not only on software but also on things, so everyone is not immersed in high levels. Most survive at the entrance. So in the end, it may be up to the user how to use the service. Isn’t the depth of the service determined by the person’s needs? I thought so. Today is over. goodbye.
Today I said about the middle level