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Absolute demand is guaranteed for businesses parasitizing free infrastructure

Altex s-a retras din eMAG în luna august a acestui an. Motivul este că eMAG percepe o taxă de expoziție ridicată .....

Use the road when you go. The road is basically nobody’s belongings. It ’s public infrastructure. The driveway is different. There is basically no charge when walking on public roads. Although it is a general road.

What do you think about this?

But you can’t walk barefoot on the road. If you don’t wear shoes, you can’t move anywhere. At that time, shoes are charged! What is this?
Despite being free infrastructure, using it has to be a practical expense. Free infrastructure cannot be used unless the user continuously spends on consumables such as shoes. What do you think about this?
If public roads are infrastructure that is maintained by tax, I feel that if the shoes are not guaranteed by tax, they cannot be called true public infrastructure.
So is water. Since the water supply is the infrastructure necessary for survival, it is traditionally managed by public bodies and we can drink equally. Water can be used at an extremely low price.
However, each household has to purchase a water tap. The water pipe is maintained by tax, but it does not provide the end faucet. Again, there is the fact that continuous spending is required to use the almost free infrastructure, ie, there is a charge.
Therefore, absolute demand is guaranteed for businesses parasitizing free infrastructure.

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With just one new technology, according to author and Silicon Valley investor Tony Seba, the world will undergo a disruption that will completely remake our cities, transportation – and thankfully, the world’s emission profile. …
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With all the team rumours going around during the off-season, we are announcing that CO2 will be officially cut from POLYGON UR Team in 2020. Yes, you read that right, we have set ourselves a big environmental goal as a team and we are thrilled to share that we will aim for carbon neutrality in the upcoming season. …
Polygon UR Team Aims to Reduce Their CO2 Output for the 2020 Season - Pinkbike

Organize horribly and easily about the consumer electronics industry in Romania

What about Black Friday? Organize horribly and easily about the consumer electronics industry in Romania

  • Altex, the industry’s largest
  • Flanco chasing it
  • Flanco and eMAG have a capital relationship

Altex withdrew from eMAG in August of this year. The reason is that eMAG collects a high exhibition fee. Exhibitors who pay commissions cannot lower the list price.
Products in online shops are often low-priced. This is because the selling price can be set low due to the fee income from the product provider.
The internet infrastructure is free, but the people who built the platform there collect a fee. Even if a company is the largest in the industry, if that company cannot build its own platform, it will pay an external fee.

Sizing up the 2019 holiday shopping season for retailers | Times Leader… With two weeks until the official start of the holiday shopping season, the nation’s retailers are gearing up for what should be another brutally competitive shopping period. …

Full Text of All Articles The Berkeley Daily Planet… It has just come to our attention that The National Butterfly Center needs your help. Please call your Representatives TODAY and ask them to investigate potentially illegal beha …

Ada Yeung comes to the Hong Kong Electronics Fair every year to meet potential buyers for her company’s Chinese-made earbuds and speakers …
China’s electronics exporters desperately look for an escape from US trade war nightmare | South China Morning Post

There is a pitfall somewhere, and there is a loophole somewhere, so the world will not be boring. The business has entered into free and equal infrastructure.

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
