It is often required to fulfill promises, but as a premise, memory ability is really important. No matter how sincere, never forgetting gratitude and strong loyalty, you need memory skills. So, remembering a lot of things affects ethics.
Keep providing good service every day.
I think that memory is not very emotional. Remembering things well and not forgetting them has nothing to do with the personality, nature or personality of the person. People forget things that don’t matter.
Of course, gratitude is valuable and everyone will remember it. So if you forget it, your personality will be suspected.
So what should we do to avoid forgetting things? What can you do to make sure you don’t forget to thank the people who helped you? Do you write on paper?
After all, it is a matter of feeling to be grateful. If you are really grateful, you will never forget it. This may also be related to loyalty.
Some of the people at work may still have loyalty to the workplace. I think there are a lot of opinions that there is no such thing in such a dry world, but there are some old types of people. A job that showed me a new world, a company that taught me how to work, and an organization that paid me a salary. With that feeling, there may be people who have loyalty in the workplace.
But some people forget it. Isn’t it possible to start reducing employees when it is forgotten? Conversely, restructuring is used to break loyalty. If this is a reality, it’s a bit sad.
In fact, our customers also appreciate the company. That store is good, the service there is good, the cake there is good, such a satisfaction. What can we do to keep that feeling from disappearing? Keep providing good service every day.
A company called Big Lots !, one of the discount stores in the US, says it will introduce “Experience Management”
What is this management? To put it simply, hmm, managing human behavior? This is because the target of this method is a wide range of customers, employees, and residents. Collect data on how these people behave in their daily lives. Collect, analyze, and predict future actions.
When planning, real data is needed, and various numerical values and questionnaire responses have been used as that data. Recently, a huge amount of data on when and where people are doing in real-time Can be aggregated. Specifically, POS and security cameras may be used.
Even discount stores require such efforts. Rather, that may have to be done as a condition of the discount store.
An Inconvenient Truth: 93% of Customer Experience Initiatives are Failing… | CustomerThink
Infor Innovation Analyst Summit 2018: I totally get it and yet, I don’t see it | ZDNet
I am a person who tends to forget gratitude. I discovered that what I think is not the same as what people think. That’s why I should focus on today rather than memories and predictions. So I have no loyalty. That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
Big Lots Looks to Transform Shopper Loyalty With New Tech | RIS News