“The North Wind and The Sun”. It’s a local fairy tale. The story of the north wind and the sun competing in order to let a person wearing a coat take off his coat. Just blow off the coat. The north wind blew strongly. However, it was cold when the wind blew, so the man did not take off his coat. Next is my turn. The sun glared at the man with sunlight. Then the man took off his coat because it was hot.
Does it mean changing the environment to make people take action?
I wonder if the calls and alerts are not very effective. This way, please do this, let’s do this. Shouldn’t all of these be considered ineffective?
If you want someone to do something, create an environment where someone has to do it. But I think this is a project that spends wisdom and time.
Millennial Tapped To Lead Major Greater Yellowstone-Based Research Group… Ben Williamson has a resume of experience that, by itself, is impressive for a person his age. This year the new arrival to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, added a leadership post to his C.V. …
So, shouldn’t an environment be created where people have to buy?
Black Friday is competing. In the past, “Premium Friday” was developed in Japan. Shop on the last Friday of every month! This was a consumption campaign in which the government and some companies had teamed up, but it ended in the air.
Do you buy it when you are told to buy it? So, shouldn’t an environment be created where people have to buy? For example, an attractive service. Or, if a nasty way is allowed, there is a lack of supplies due to a disaster. Such an environment.
So, is a disaster an economic measure? Such a discussion may start. Of course, I think these issues should be considered not only from the data perspective but also from the ethical perspective. Insufficient evaluation is not possible.
However, we cannot doubt that one of the effective factors driving the economy is a very large environmental factor, just like the north wind and the sun.
Gov. Jerry Brown took the podium at a July 2017 press conference to lingering applause after a steady stream of politicians praised him for helping to extend California’s signature climate policy for another decade. …
Cap and Trade Is Supposed to Solve Climate Change, but Oil and Gas Company Emissions Are Up — ProPublica
鈴木氏の年俸は、2億円台での推移で、15年度は子会社のセブン-イレブン・ジャパンやイトーヨーカ堂などからの支給分を合わせて2億8200万円 …
小売り各社の経営陣の役員報酬事情 社内取締役でトップはユニクロ柳井正氏 - ライブドアニュース
Did Amazon do more research on the mind than the size of the market?
The market size created by Japanese retailers is $ 1.33 trillion. Of that, electronic commerce led mainly by AEON is $ 147 billion. It is a little over 10%.
Last year, Amazon sold $ 13.8 billion in Japan. The company is active in the Black Friday campaign.
However, I think Amazon should pay attention to the following points.
- The ratio of e-commerce in Japan is low
- Many retailers are reluctant to participate in Black Friday
- Premium Friday failed
Did Amazon do more research on the mind than the size of the market?
Environmental improvement is more effective than calling for people to take some action.
So are we acting in the environment? Isn’t it based on our own judgment?
North wind, the sun and us wearing coats.
That’s all for today’s post. Thank you