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The first and last condition is for the player to play

According to an analyst's information, the “Wall Decor” market will expand rapidly in the future.....

We should sleep at night. However, some people work at night. Athletes often work at night. Because the night game is held. No one sees even during the daytime on weekdays. The games are held at night and the audience gathers.

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When you do something, including working, I think that’s all

I think it is very dangerous to play sports at night. Because it is dark, the ball cannot be seen well. Of course, the lights are turned on because the ball is clearly visible. However, nighttime illumination is different from daytime brightness. Players play under such bad conditions.
When it comes to sports games, it’s not just players who play. Lights are turned on so that players can play, venues are maintained, tickets and goods are sold, and everything is cleared when the game ends. With these management functions, players can play.
It’s not just management. If the supporters who support the players do not occupy the seats, neither the players nor the team will burn.
But still, it’s the player who runs the game. Excellent management and passionate supporters. Now, when will the inspiring game rollout? Will not. The first and last condition is for the player to play.
And you must not misunderstand. It’s a requirement that players play, but they don’t control management and supporters. Especially if the player makes this mistake, the game will not start.
This is not limited to sports. When you do something, including working, I think that’s all.
Blues Mailbag: Why is Justin Faulk struggling and were the trade and long-term signing a mistake? – The Athletic

According to an analyst’s information, the “Wall Decor” market will expand rapidly in the future

Wall Decor is a general term for interior wall decorations such as shelves, wallpaper, hangers, and mirrors. The average annual growth rate is expected to be 32% by 2027. The sales amount last year was $ 500 billion.
In recent years, consumers have become more focused on indoor life, and as a result, they are highly interested in interior decoration, and households, workplaces, schools, hospitals, service industries, etc. are purchasing wall-decoration-related products.
Wall Decor Market is Expected to Grow at a CAGR of 32.3% by the End of 2027 – Future Market Insights
The Art of Wall Art: Modern Wall Decor Ideas and How to Hang Pictures Like a Pro | Freshome.comWall Decor | At Home

One of the factors on the supply side is the development of digital printing technology

A variety of wallpaper has been mass-produced, increasing consumer choices.
The second factor is the spread of e-commerce. In order for consumers in recent years to select products online, the announcement of new products has become quick and widespread, leading to increased sales.
Let us assume that the first factor is the problem of market management and the second is the problem of market supporters. Oops, don’t forget the players. Nitori in Japan is not a Christmas tree shop.
Wallpaper was invented in China, but its primary purpose was not for decoration | South China Morning Post

Do you want to be an applauded player? Want to be a thankful manager? If you want to earn a lot, it ’s a player. If you want to continue for a long time, you’re a manager. Which one you choose will be a matter of your fitness and ability. However, it is the supporters who pay them salaries.

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
