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Showing posts from December, 2019

My feet are wobbly

ある美術館で、見学者たちがいっぱい集まってた場所で、ある婦人が折り畳み式の簡単な庭椅子に座っていた..... Let me conclude first. I can’t work on a chair with casters. Chairs on casters are easy to move. Therefore, when sitting there, it is impossible to carry out precise work. It is by now hardly scandalous to note that Augusta National My feet are wobbly Precise work can be done if the upper body is stabilized I read a strange article chair easy to move body is stabilized impossible precise work unstable office work dangerous wobbly I am not saying to repair a mechanical watch. At the very least, prepare documents. Or create a schedule. Do not sit on chairs on casters when performing such tasks. Because your upper body is unstable? Who put the casters on the chair? Chairs on casters are easy to move on the floor, but I don’t think they are suitable for office work. And if you stand on top when cleaning, isn’t it dangerous? My feet are wobbly You should sit in an ordinary ...

Little interested in badminton sports

Paralympic Badminton events will be held in the UK on January 18 and 19 next year… I’m a little interested in badminton sports. The initial speed of the shuttle seems to be very fast. I think speed and concentration are also required for this competition. Overtime CEO Dan Porter does not want you to go to Overtime’s website. So I think badminton players are amazing Play is fine as long as the participants are just enjoying it Prior to this, Paralympic Badminton events will be held in the UK on January 18 and 19 next year play sports speed required required concentration required required competition? NO YES amateurs can do cannot do power required fun? seeks pleasure painful mind reading tactics required So I think badminton players are amazing This is something that amateurs cannot do. In the first place, what is the difference between play and sports? I think it’s power. When power is a...

Patience is valued. Of course, it bothered others. stupid

Some hospitals seem to have restricted access to intensive care units because of the flu epidemic. Specifically, children and old people are not allowed… Patience is valued. People who can endure both mentally and physically are said to be great. Is that true? Of course, it bothered others. stupid Influenza is caused by the infection of a virus Some hospitals seem to have restricted access to intensive care units mentally physically Being Patience praised? limitations Know smart manage themselves mentally physically Being For example, let’s say that there is someone who is patient despite being cold. The person caught a cold. Will he still be praised? That person is a bit stupid. Know your mental and physical limitations. The one who can do this is the smart person. I once endured the cold. I caught a cold. I became feverish and it was hard to move. Of course, it bothered others. stupid The cold and flu seem to be different. Colds ...

Has been a mind counselor for over 30 years and has interacted with thousands of clients

55 anos atrás, ocorreu um caso ausente. Um bebê recém-nascido desapareceu do hospital. Os pais estavam tristes e a polícia local procurou um bebê ..... One female counselor said. The counselor was a skilled counselor. She has been a mind counselor for over 30 years and has interacted with thousands of clients. “I’ve worked for years to heal people’s hearts, but it was my own that healed.” Who am I? How old am i Recently, the word “search for yourself” has become popular you 'you' others healing healed my own communication selfish looking at Who am I? you 'you' others “I’ve worked for years to heal people’s hearts, but it was my own that healed.” She said that she was being healed while working on healing people. I am impressed with this line. I don’t know much about counseling. But communication may, after all, be a selfish act. Perhaps people are looking at themselves through others. Given that, people may not grow...

More women working

Aumento da renda disponível do consumidor, Redução da mortalidade infantil, Migração da população rural para urbana, Mais mulheres trabalhando. Devido a essas condições sociais, fraldas inteligentes são selecionadas..... Simple tasks can be continued. Less burdensome tasks will persist. I always get a receipt when I shop. The amount and time used are printed on the receipt 4. More women working The smart diaper market is seen as a growth market What happens to the Internet? the cloud organize increasing Upload picture decreased document receive accumulating search full of data The amount and time used are printed on the receipt The receipt tells you when and where you were. The receipt may give testimony against you. However, receipts are logs. An accurate and public record of your life. To document your life record, you only need to receive a receipt. Oops, the receipt is accumulating. Receipts continue to increase. You may someday ...

The bag I was using before was broken and updated

Sekarang, bayi yang baru lahir harus mengganti popok. Bayi mengeluarkan lebih dari 10 kali sehari. Ibu atau Ayah harus mengganti popok setidaknya 10 kali sehari..... The bag I was using before was broken and updated to a new bag. I am starting to have a new bag. The bag I am using now is a slightly smaller bag Depending on the amount of luggage I have to carry, the way I use the bag is flexible Also, babies are growing remarkably Use a measure to measure your baby’s size When is the time updated change broken trouble Do not forget what you need The bag I am using now is a slightly smaller bag Eventually, I have several small bags. When I have a lot of luggage, I use two bags. When I have little luggage, I use only one bag. At that time, unused bags are stored in another bag. Depending on the amount of luggage I have to carry, the way I use the bag is flexible Well, we manage the bags, and the bags do not control us. Could y...