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What does it mean to trip over the air?

Macy's in the United States is raising funds for children suffering from intractable diseases until December 24th....

I have the habit of speaking to myself, and when I am alone, there is no problem. It ’s free, no matter what an individual does. Whether you talk to yourself, yawn, or even fall in the air while walking, you are at your own risk.

Macy’s Celebrates National Believe Day With Goal to Raise An Extra $1 Million for Make-A-Wish® Through Annual Letter Writing Campaign | Business Wire

individualrecipientunknown groupTraditionallylettertodaychangedspreadseasily sharedcheckedsocial responsibility?individualrecipientunknown group

There are many stories in which personal information is stolen

However, when there are people around you, it is better not to speak to yourself. You know why. I want to make a suggestion. If you ask yourself, take a note. Write a whisper on paper. It might be interesting to read it back.
There are many stories in which personal information is stolen, such as security cameras being installed on the streets, accounts, and passwords being leaked. As long as we use tools connected to the network in our daily lives, we believe that the leakage of personal information is inevitable.
But if you look at this from a different angle, you feel that we are in an era where our private part is easily shared with the public. When we whisper something and tweet something very personal, it is instantly checked by many others. This may not have happened since history.
In the first place, tweets are really nonsense text communications, they are broader than emails and lighter than sites. It was such a halfway service. However, it spreads and our message spreads all over the world. Will our personal whispering also ask for social responsibility?
Another characteristic of current communication is that the communication partner has changed from an old individual to an unknown group. Traditionally, our means of communication were letters. The person who communicated with the letter was always the individual who was the recipient. But today, the recipients of our messages are unspecified. The opportunity to write a letter to someone has decreased, but instead, a message has been sent to the general public.

Chinese Citizens Express Concern Over the Abuse of Facial Recognition Technology | Voice of America - English… Starting this month, China has made it mandatory that new mobile phone users will have to have their faces scanned before completing their real-name registration with telecom operators. …

BOOK REVIEW: ‘Mindf*ck’ explains the chilling and comprehensive hijack of American democracy |… And because he was at the very heart of the operation, Wylie’s task — his obsession, really …

Macy’s in the United States is raising funds for children suffering from intractable diseases until December 24th

You can post a letter to Santa Claus on a post at a Macy’s store. Macy’s raises 1 dollar for each mail. That’s such a system. This is the 12th time this year.
Fund-raising is generally done by direct fund-raising, but by adding an action to write a letter to Santa Claus, the fund-raising activities become more familiar. This system by Macy’s is good! This is because Macy’s corporate image is good and at the same time writing a letter gives us a chance to look back on ourselves.

The people’s PM: Why Bob Hawke was loved by the Australian public and revered as a political giant | Daily Mail Online… Australia is mourning the loss of Bob Hawke after he died surrounded by loved ones on Thursday aged 89, two days before he expected to see his party return to power. …

What does it mean to trip over the air? If you update your shoes, the new shoes don’t wear out so much, so if you walk the same way as before, you may get caught in the unevenness of the ground. Oops! is. This is personal, for now. That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
