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Wasn’t they just those who were wearing serious masks?

Recently, a smart diaper connected to a network appears to have been completed.....

As a child, I looked at adults and looked for examples. The children are observing adults. If only “good adults” are found, there will be fewer choices for children, so sometimes you will need a troubled uncle or a playful aunt, which means to enrich the choices and imagination for children. There should be people in the younger generation who are free to live.
In an exemplary environment with exemplary adults, children cannot try anything. Children are not afraid of anything. Therefore, children cannot imagine anything.

Portrait of the Artist as a Dramatist: A Conversation with Peter Friedl - Journal #103 October 2019 - e-flux

childadultsexamplesobservingdesirelooked formasksDon’t imitatenot so much funchildadultsexamples

I don’t think children should imitate me

As a child, I had a desire to play and live all my life. Play is not golf, slot machines or drinking. It was a desire to go freely across the world. If you are looking for a suitable expression, is it a smart adult?
However, there was no such smart adult around. There was no adult who advised me to live freely. So I groped myself and looked for a way to fulfill my wishes.
However, the serious adults at that time seemed to me, but I felt that they were not such people. Wasn’t they just those who were wearing serious masks in front of their children and were not really serious?
Because now I live relatively freely, but I don’t think children should imitate me. It’s not so much fun to fulfill my desire and to live freely.

Can Physicists Rewrite the Origin Story of the Universe?… When it was Penrose’s turn to speak, however, he wanted no part of that dogma. …

The burkini-clad swimmers of Hong Kong: domestic helpers get freedom to swim | South China Morning Post… These women, most of them domestic helpers, wouldn’t have considered going to the beach, …

A system that can centrally manage the excretion status of care recipients remotely

Recently, a smart diaper connected to a network appears to have been completed. A Bluetooth terminal is attached to the diaper, and the excretion status and body temperature are monitored with a smartphone app.
There is a chronic shortage of nursing care staff, and the burden of changing diapers is large. A system that can centrally manage the excretion status of care recipients remotely will be useful for care sites.
Of course, the partial change of diapers does not solve all issues related to nursing care. However, reducing the burden on caregivers is an urgent issue.

Diaper Sensor Technology Launched - Nonwovens Industry Magazine - News, Markets & Analysis for the Nonwovens Industry… At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, NV next month, Smardii will be exhibiting its fully-connected, smart early detection system for diaper monitoring. …

What Turing Told Us About the Digital Threat to a Human Future | by Timothy Snyder | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books… “Can machines think?” The computer scientist Alan Turing posed the question and proposed a way to answer it. …

Today, it seems that a stable occupation has been extinct, and if it continues, instability may become a synonym for employment. In the first place, the state of stability is almost a desire, and even pessimistic observations are mixed there.
However, I think that adults should not appeal much that the world is unstable. When children who are told that the world is unstable are growing up, they may become super smart. That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
