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Equal rights of men and women

Las Tesis, un grupo en Chile que busca cerrar la brecha de género, ha realizado una protesta frente al Parlamento griego …

“Equal rights of men and women” has been claimed for a long time, but recently the claim of sexual diversity has grown. Beyond the gender division, third and fourth diversity has been recognized.

104 Women Who Defined the Decade in Pop Culture | Glamour

Equal rights
men and women
sexual diversity
not equal
physical issues
mental issue

We have been said to be equal

Human beings are all equal.
Why has that been said?

After all, men and women are not equal

The gender standard for men and women was physical. Men and women have been distinguished based on differences in physical conditions such as physical strength and endurance.
I think we must not forget that physical point of view. For example, due to differences in physical fitness, working under the same conditions is unreasonable.
Of course, the difference in physical strength must not extend to the difference in rights.
However, even equal rights between men and women cannot eliminate physical differences.
In other words, physical issues and social issues should be considered separately.
And I have the impression that gender diversity is mainly discussed from a mental point of view. I think the mental issue of gender diversity should also be considered separately from the physical gender gap.

Blood and Soil in Narendra Modi’s India | The New Yorker… Other coverage on Republic TV showed people dancing ecstatically, along with the words “Jubilant Indians celebrate Modi’s Kashmir masterstroke.” …

The study of speech evolution is necessarily multidisciplinary, involving at a minimum paleoanthropology, primatology, and speech science, itself already a conglomeration of phonetics, anatomy, acoustics, human development, and more. …
Which way to the dawn of speech?: Reanalyzing half a century of debates and data in light of speech science | Science Advances

Las Tesis, a group in Chile that seeks to close the gender gap, has performed a protest in front of the Greek Parliament.
This is due to the fact that the average wage of working women is 15% lower than that of men, or that violence against women is not decreasing worldwide.
Women participating in this activity are wearing black handkerchiefs around their neck and face.

“Las Tesis” performance in front of Athens parliament - YouTube… Feminist groups gathered outside the Greek parliament in Athens on Sunday (December 22nd) to perform a protest song.… …

I wonder if women are effectively involved in the gender gap. Well, some women still believe that women can still work less.
Women are vulnerable and must be protected by men, so they believe that work is male-centric and women do not need to be involved in work.
Still, isn’t there any aspect that some other women are seeking gender-equal pay?

If you want to get the same wages as men, you have to work like a bastard

But is that possible with the strength of women? I want to ask a question.

However, physical strength is an individual difference, and gender does not determine grip strength or vital capacity.
That is why if women themselves do not actively participate in society because of their gender, it can be pointed out that half of the gender gap is made by women.

That’s it for today’s post. Thank you

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