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Consciousness does not recover the next morning

Amid concerns over the lack of masks throughout Australia, South Australian authorities are taking novel and radical solutions to secure their supply.....

The patient’s consciousness does not recover the next morning. The patient is sleeping unconscious. The doctor in charge and his family consulted. Would you like to have surgery or to stay alive without surgery? The family opted for life extension. The reason was that if the operation failed, the patient would surely die. The risk was high because the surgery involved a blood vessel in the brain.

Why America ran out of protective masks — and what can be done about it

another hospital
special room
intensive care unit
general ward

South Australia denied the lack of hospitals in the state, but acknowledged concerns about the supply of PPE and masks. : At some hospitals, six months of stockpiles were consumed in one week. What we are trying to do is create a system that effectively distributes this finite resource.

The cardiopulmonary function of the old man eventually ceased, and a few hours later he was lying in another special room near the hospital exit. He finished his life without suffering.
Lack of surgical masks throughout Australia, instructed to wear disposable masks all day, urging doctors to work without personal protective equipment (PPE), Adelaide, now Is so hard, the staff cried and couldn’t sleep. : Various information is flowing.

The South Australian Health Authority has a certain supply plan. Authorities believe that frontline operations should have PPE.

These tasks include COVID testing, drive-through, airport quarantine, and care for COVID-positive patients

Understanding Healthcare Decisions at the End of Life

Understanding Healthcare Decisions at the End of Life… It can be overwhelming to be asked to make healthcare decisions for someone who is dying and is no longer able to make his or her own decisions. …

An old man fell during a meal at home. He fell sick due to abnormal blood pressure. The old man was transported to the hospital and entered the intensive care unit. The intensive care unit is running even at midnight. Patient’s consciousness does not recover. The patient’s family was recruited. The doctor told his family that he was in the most critical situation, so be aware of it.

Patients receiving life support have no reason to be in an intensive care unit. The patient was transferred to a general ward at the same hospital. He did not recover after moving to the general ward. Of course, cardiorespiratory function is being monitored. Only cardio function was alive.

However, the general ward seems to have a fixed period of accommodation, and the patient moved to another hospital

In the second hospital for the patient, many unconscious patients were sleeping. Patients were asleep until cardiopulmonary function ceased. In my impression, the hospital was of low grade. The skills and enthusiasm of the employees working there were clearly low. Few visitors visited the terminally ill patients.

(No Title)
(No Title)… The initial impetus for the 2005 Act is usually traced to the decision in F v West Berkshire,3 commonly identified as ‘a turning point in English medical law’. …

People who hate sickness and injuries, but like hospitals. Perhaps there is no such person. I don't want to go to the hospital if possible. I also dislike hospitals.

That's it for today's post. Thank you

Coronavirus spurs health authorities to make more surgical face masks for hospital staff - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)… “They are our most valuable asset especially at this time.” …

Amid concerns over the lack of masks throughout Australia, South Australian authorities are taking novel and radical solutions to secure their supply. A fast food packaging company based in Adelaide manufactures 145 million masks for leading medical staff across Australia.
