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Tried it this morning and it was very salty

Experts are tackling one of the key mysteries about pandemics. It is: Does a person who recovers from infection be immune to the virus? .....

Is pickles a fermented food? Pickles came out from under the floor, so I tried it this morning and it was very salty. And it smelled a bit weird. I suspected that this was rotten, but we can also interpret rotten food as fermented food, so I will eat it tomorrow morning as well.

If It Smells Weird, Eat It: Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut


It’s a bit strange because the spoiled food is not called garbage but fermented food. The reason why eating rotted food makes my stomach hurt, but eating fermented foods is no problem is probably because antibodies are formed in our bodies? And is that kind of antibody inherited by heredity? I guessed that people who continued to eat fermented foods would not hurt their stomachs by eating certain rots.

Fermented Foods for Gut Health
Fermented Foods for Gut Health… Try incorporating at least one serving of one or more of the fermented foods below to support your gut health. …

Immunization may also shorten the duration of treatment. Antibodies collected from the body of people who have recovered from the infection will be effective in helping those suffering from a disease caused by the coronavirus called Covid-19.

'Fermentation': When Food Goes Bad But Stays Good | New Hampshire Public Radio
‘Fermentation’: When Food Goes Bad But Stays Good | New Hampshire Public Radio… “And you want to make sure that the vegetables are pressed down under their juices. And then just seal the jar — but be aware that pressure will be produced, so you don’t want to leave it for days and days.” …

So is it good to have a psychological antibody? I recently started thinking it was not good. It’s a good thing to be resistant to severe experiences, but in other words, you can say that your sensitivity is paralyzed. If you don’t feel sad when you’re sad, you probably won’t be able to keep neutral criteria.

You can’t choose an antibody on your own

, but a person who has lost sensitivity is a boring guy.
A few days after viral infection, the immune system updates the antibody to a second type of antibody called immunoglobulin G that recognizes and neutralizes certain viruses. However, this update can take up to a week, and some people make strong secondary antibodies while others don’t.

With more than 450,000 people infected with the coronavirus worldwide and more than one billion locked in their homes, experts are tackling one of the key mysteries about pandemics. It is: Does a person who recovers from infection be immune to the virus?

Improving immunity in the community is another way to end the virus outbreak. The less people become infected, the less coronavirus will become contagious.
On Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of plasma from recovered patients to treat severe cases of infection. The Governor of New York has announced that New York will be the first state to treat severely ill people with the serum of those who have recovered from Covid-19.

As a means of protection against infectious viruses, there is an antibody called immunoglobulin M. Immunoglobulin M monitors the invasion of viruses in the body and alerts the immune system when viruses or bacteria invade.
The validity of secondary antibodies, updated in response to infection with some viruses, such as polio and measles, is quite long.

However, its duration against coronavirus is only one to three years

Nevertheless, experts said that the second attack by the coronavirus was much milder than the first, even though antibody protection was short-lived and people were re-infected.

Can You Become Immune to the Coronavirus? - The New York Times
Can You Become Immune to the Coronavirus? - The New York Times… The answer is a qualified yes, with some significant unknowns. That’s important for several reasons. …

By the way, I think that there are biological and cultural types of antibodies. When a person experiences a sad experience and then repeats a similar experience again, he does not feel the first major mental shock. I think this may be due to the formation of psychological antibodies. And such psychological resistance may be passed on to progeny by inheritance. In other words, when a culture experiences a harsh experience with PTSD, even if its memory disappears, psychological antibodies are copied and inherited. Isn’t that just one aspect of culture?
People who are confirmed to be immune can stop waiting at home and go to work without waiting for new vaccine development. In particular, healthcare providers who are determined to be immune can continue to treat critically ill patients.

That's it for today's post. Thank you
