Wearing a mask makes sense for individuals who need to go out every day. If everyone in the community wears a mask, infection may be reduced. But unfortunately, I don’t think there are enough masks to confirm that, experts said.
A 2003 survey of SARS found that wearing a mask could prevent virus infection by 68% and washing hands more than 10 times daily could prevent it by 55%. Combining all measures (handwashing, masks, gloves, protective clothing) increased the preventive effect to 91%.
Studies on influenza pandemics show that surgical masks can adequately protect people when high quality N95 masks are not available. Combining surgical masks with hand washing can also help reduce infection.
Why advisory against masks may need a review… Everyone else, they say, should stick to frequent hand-washing and maintaining a distance of at least six feet from other people to protect themselves. …
Official guidance recommends saving masks not only for those who are already sick, but also for healthcare professionals and caregivers. They say that everyone needs to wash their hands frequently and stay at least 6 feet away from others.
Experts said that wearing a mask does not necessarily prevent healthy people from becoming ill, but does not replace important measures such as handwashing and social distance.
Looking at individuals and societies from the perspective of a cluster, which is an entity rather than a concept, in the future, individuals may become somewhat abstract like a society. Also, discussions about individuals versus society will be meaningless.
The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continue to state that
masks are not always effective in preventing healthy individuals from transmitting the virus
However, experts are beginning to question this official guidance.
When can we let up? Exploring how to relax coronavirus lockdowns - STAT… “So we have to start to think about, does everyone stay out of work? Should young people go back to work sooner? Can we test for those who had the virus, resolved, and are now immune and can they start to go back to work?” …
Many commented that selfish thinking was not good. The opinion is that individuals who seek the highest priority on their interests lack sociality and are therefore antisocial. However, society is composed of individuals, so if the interests of individuals are not guaranteed, society may not be able to gain profits either. If an individual’s life is oppressed and society as a whole can benefit, someone is stealing the benefit somewhere.
Until now, we have been lost between the two concepts of individuals and society. Rather, I think that the discussion has continued. A variety of ideas emerged between the two sides of individual emphasis and social emphasis.
In other words, we individuals lived concretely as clusters, rather than being abstractly part of society. Of course, experts may have fragmented society. But the average individual realized it for the first time.
But the world’s highest number of infections in the United States means that more Americans are at risk for getting sick
Also, even healthy people often need to wear a mask, especially for those who do work that cannot avoid public transport or close communication with others.
More Americans Should Probably Wear Masks for Protection - The New York Times… “The swift increase in cases to these levels in the U.S. highlights to an even greater degree the importance of implementing and adhering to public health measures,” …
The concept of individual is easy to understand. Because it is me and you. On the other hand, the concept of society is difficult to understand. Society is like a haunt in the sense that it is invisible but will exist. The ghost has turned capricious within the individual. This time, however, the concept of a cluster has begun to move between individuals and society. I think it’s no mistake to think of a cluster as a range of personal activity. Unlike society, clusters are visible. Depending on your perspective, you may be able to perceive it as an enlarged individual. The cluster is alive.
That's it for today's post. Thank you