According to the CDC, 20 percent of inpatients and 12 percent of intensive care patients are between the ages of 20 and 44, essentially overlapping the millennials.
Of the 2,449 identified patients, 6% were 85 or older and 25% were 65-84. 29% were 20-44 years old. The age group of 55-64 and 45-54 is 18% each. Only 5% of people under the age of 19 are diagnosed.
What is already known about this topic? …
Severe Outcomes Among Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) — United States, February 12–March 16, 2020 | MMWR
I know that walking is a good way to stay healthy. Running puts a burden on your heart, so I think it’s better to walk, but the number of steps is a measure of how much you walk. The more important data is not how many hours or kilometers you walk, but how many steps you walk. This is because each person has a different walking speed.
Even if you work hard and walk for one hour, you may not have moved that much. Without steps, you can’t get an accurate performance.
A similar explanation could be given for age. Age is the number of years since the government received your birth certificate.
Now, assume a 30-year-old human
He had a family register for 30 years. No other information is available. That is because there are individual differences in the speed of living. What has he accomplished over the last 30 years? What did he lose? That’s not clear from the 30-year figure.
80% of US coronavirus deaths are among people 65 and up, CDC says - Business Insider… Americans ages 65 and older are suffering the highest rates of death and serious illness from the coronavirus, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. …
Age tells a person’s historical background. Specifically, a 30-year-old has experienced a social event 20 or 10 years ago. You may use the word generation. You have a unique experience depending on your age. I don’t think it has much to do with individual differences in the speed of life.
There is a mental gap between those who have experienced a major historical and social event and those who have not. Is it a break between generations? Elders may often be dissatisfied with this. It’s a lament that conversation with the younger generation doesn’t hold.
But the gap is made by the elders
Whose side has given up on explaining? For younger generations, it’s annoying.
You can spread it and have disastrous consequences: the task force leader said.
According to reports on approximately 2,500 cases in the United States, American adults of all ages, not just those in their 70s, 80s, and 90s, were infected with coronavirus.
The Coronavirus headquarters leader in the White House quoted young people being hospitalized in Italy and France. He demanded that millennials cease dating in groups and take care to protect themselves and others.
A report released by the CDC on Wednesday showed that, as in other countries, older people were more likely to die or be hospitalized. However, of the 508 patients hospitalized, 38% are 20-54 years old. Nearly half of the 121 patients admitted to the intensive care unit were adults under the age of 65.
Younger Adults Comprise Big Portion of Coronavirus Hospitalizations in U.S. - The New York Times… “You have the potential then to spread it to someone who does have a condition that none of us knew about, and cause them to have a disastrous outcome,” …
You cannot know a person’s image unless you know the speed at which each person lives. So is age just a number on a family register? It is not. Age has a meaning.
That's it for today's post. Thank you