It is dangerous to put your luggage in the front of the bicycle and drive the bicycle while operating the smartphone with one hand.
I felt like it was quite dangerous when I rode my bicycle while fluttering. What I noticed at that time was where to ride my bicycle.
In other words, if there is no bicycle lane, the bicycle will run on the sidewalk or the roadway, but pedestrians walk on the sidewalk, so the bicycle should not be swept. However, since there are cars on the road, it is dangerous to ride a bicycle there. You have to get closer to the end of the road.
Why are there few lanes for bicycles? Because there are many pedestrians and cars. Because there are relatively few bicycles.
So why are there so few bicycles? I think that might be related to the characteristics of our travel distance.
Today, the distances we travel are divided into short distances and long distances, and it seems that the number of medium-distance travels such as traveling by bicycle has decreased.
Around the house, they travel a short distance on foot, while cars and trains are used for long-distance travel such as commuting to work or school, which cannot be done by bicycle. Since there are many opportunities to travel short or long distances, the frequency of using bicycles has decreased and the number of bicycles has decreased.
Exaggeratedly, the concentration of industry has separated the workplace from the residence, restrained bicycle demand, and delayed the development of bicycle lanes.
However, the number of bicycles in that topic has begun to increase recently. Bicycles carrying big black bags. While checking the smartphone, the pedestrians are separated, the black bag corps is running around by sewing between the cars.
It’s interesting because the big black bag contains only one plate of pasta.
The number of pedestrians has decreased as people have fewer opportunities to go out to prevent virus infection. In addition, commuting opportunities have decreased due to the remoteness of corporate activities. I think the number of bicycles as a means of transportation that meets daily needs will relatively increase.
However, I do not know where the increased number of bicycles should run.
New swimming pool rules revealed as facilities prepare to reopen, from no butterfly to… - Heart… People with any coronavirus symptoms are not allowed to visit swimming pools, while people visiting will be encouraged to spend as little time in changing areas as possible. …
That’s all for today’s post. Thank you