Those who do not know what is fun do not realize that he himself is a boring person.
We have been chased by something since we were born, and there is a good reason for that. The reason is the belief that efforts will benefit.
For this reason, lazy people are basically not friends, and those who make efforts psychologically exclude non-friends, even if they do not take physical measures. In short, effort despises laziness.
But if the idea that effort pays off is a joke, lazy people must be admitted to be wise.
Those who live in reality without being deceived by jokes, your name is lazy.
No, the word lazy is wrong. By using this word, our misunderstanding is only amplified.
So how do we name the lazy people anew?
Were we so poisoned by jokes that we didn’t know it?
The only obvious thing is the fact that the majority of people trust it because the theory that effort benefits is predominant.
But even that is doubtful. What if the fact that the majority trust the beneficiary theory is also part of the beneficiary theory? What if the view that the people who make an effort are in the majority was also a joke?
Believe it or not, aren’t there only a few who think that their efforts will pay off? These poor minorities are those who are relieved to think that they are the majority themselves.
Conversely, those who deny the effort may think that they are a minority, even though they themselves are a majority.
After all, thinking about things from a particular standpoint is inevitably biased.
Of course, this opinion would also be biased.
$3,000-per-child benefit: Senior Democrats prepare plan for Biden stimulus - The Washington Post… “This is how the tax code is supposed to work for those who need it most.” …
That’s all for today’s post. Thank you