It seems that each era has its own trend.
What are the trends of this era? Well, isn’t it infection prevention?
A social attitude in which each person pays attention to hygiene and aims not to infect others. This is even the spirit of today’s era.
But those trends are conceptual, not visible.
In that respect, fashion is probably the most familiar example of a visible trend.
Hairstyles and clothing are always exposed, so the trend is visually shared by everyone.
So while clothes that were made and sold more than five years ago can still be worn, they will clearly show that they are behind the trend.
Garment tendencies are not only related to shape factors such as collar shape and button size, but also to hidden factors such as sewing techniques and materials used.
Trends in shape and dyeing have been revived on a whim, but established sewing techniques and new materials have never gone back in time.
Unfortunately, when you look for your favorite garment in the past, you’ll only find garments that are three-dimensionally cut, sewn, and covered with breathable material.
Those trends are not specifically advertised.
You are advertising wearing it.
Facebook blasts Apple in new ads over iPhone privacy change… “Without personalized ads, Facebook data shows that the average small business advertiser stands to see a cut of over 60% in their sales for every dollar they spend,” …
That’s all for today’s post. Thank you