In today's society where society is equal and peaceful, have people been able to walk on the road freely?
It looks like it will rain today.
Good morning. The post was delayed 25 minutes yesterday due to a little bad preparation, but this morning the service is on time. Come on, we live in a public space. Some people work and live in private spaces, but they will use public spaces when moving. You move on the road or use a vehicle. At that time, there is also a rule of traffic. For example, if you are walking along the road, you have to make sure that people do not hit you from the front. This may be a matter of course, but I think that this is also one that has been acquired through training.
After all, there are various nuisance acts on public roads. For example, run a bicycle on a pedestrian road. It’s dangerous. Garbage dumping is also a big problem. Well, it might sound like a stubborn old man complaining when I say this, but I can see such a problem. No, people who saw it should have been seen for a long time. I understood recently that sharing of common things is not so common.

I love paper and pen and don’t hold my smartphone like a baby bottle, but I am not good at walking in crowded people. I often get hit by others. I have a strange habit of interrupting walking for the time being when I’m about to collide with others. The opponent does not think that I will stop suddenly, so it will move on and the two will almost collide. If the bicycle has been running from the front, I change course. However, since I stopped on the way, the bike came there and is likely to hit again. Let’s stop going “bicycle GO” in crowded people. Today’s post is over. goodbye
Good morning. The post was delayed 25 minutes yesterday due to a little bad preparation, but this morning the service is on time. Come on, we live in a public space. Some people work and live in private spaces, but they will use public spaces when moving. You move on the road or use a vehicle. At that time, there is also a rule of traffic. For example, if you are walking along the road, you have to make sure that people do not hit you from the front. This may be a matter of course, but I think that this is also one that has been acquired through training.
I think that people from different classes never used the same road
I think that in class society, roads were not freely used. I think that people from different classes never used the same road. If you are forced to use the same road, the walking lanes would have been decided by the class. In today’s society where society is equal and peaceful, have people been able to walk on the road freely? There are still hurdles to overcome. For example, in a familiar example, it is not easy for people with a physical handicap to move on public roads. After all, there is a danger. Braille blocks are maintained as a measure to this. However, stairs and escalators are still dangerous. Are we peace and equality? I think we need to know that it is not 100%.After all, there are various nuisance acts on public roads. For example, run a bicycle on a pedestrian road. It’s dangerous. Garbage dumping is also a big problem. Well, it might sound like a stubborn old man complaining when I say this, but I can see such a problem. No, people who saw it should have been seen for a long time. I understood recently that sharing of common things is not so common.
There is a game called Pokemon GO
On the other hand, there is a new movement on the street. There is a game called Pokemon GO, which seems to be a system where GPS sends certain data to randomly set points and the gamer collects the data. I have never been to. With this system, Pokemon GO users are guided to a place they have never been to and stay there for a certain amount of time. Such a thing may not have been in human history. Walks and trips have a fixed schedule, which is never random. However, the journey or trip or walk using the Pokemon GO is randomly set the destination. People are mobilized by the whims of machinery. Well, technology is said to always lead the future, but who imagined such a future?I love paper and pen and don’t hold my smartphone like a baby bottle, but I am not good at walking in crowded people. I often get hit by others. I have a strange habit of interrupting walking for the time being when I’m about to collide with others. The opponent does not think that I will stop suddenly, so it will move on and the two will almost collide. If the bicycle has been running from the front, I change course. However, since I stopped on the way, the bike came there and is likely to hit again. Let’s stop going “bicycle GO” in crowded people. Today’s post is over. goodbye