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For All We Know

Magic Johnson made a speech ahead of the 24 NBA All-Stars. ‘We’ve never seen a basketball player as great as Kobe’…

Even if there are relatively good players among the members and the group has achieved a certain result, the group will be evaluated. Conversely, if a single mistake is made by one of the members, the mistake is evaluated as a group-wide mistake. So there is always debate about the concept of solidarity. However, because groups were created to accomplish things that cannot be done by individuals, it is impossible to separate members from groups.

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Magic Johnson made a speech ahead of the 24 NBA All-Stars. ‘We’ve never seen a basketball player as great as Kobe’. On Sunday, tickets for the NBA All-Star Game at the United Center were sold out. Chorus of “Kobe! Kobe!”

The NBA continues to mourn nine victims, including Kobe Bryant. An 8-second silence followed a speech in memory of Bryant and former NBA commissioner David Stern, who died on January 1, 2020. 8 was Bryant’s first player number.

‘Bryant always acted with us’

After Johnson’s speech, Jennifer Hudson sang “For All We Know”. This was sung by Nat King Cole.

The Inspector General’s Report on 2016 FBI Spying Reveals a Scandal of Historic Magnitude: Not Only for the FBI but Also the U.S. Media
The Inspector General’s Report on 2016 FBI Spying Reveals a Scandal of Historic Magnitude: Not Only for the FBI but Also the U.S. Media… In this case, no rational person should allow standard partisan bickering to distort or hide this severe FBI corruption. …

I don’t know if the word is still used, but it is “joint responsibility.” Have you ever heard these words? People participating in physical education clubs may have experienced a bit of a tough society, but solidarity responsibilities mean giving the group personality and seeking morals from the group. I think so.

However, at that time, if it is an illusion that a member is an equal group and the member is subordinate to the group, the theory begins to move in a strange direction. Because groups are a way of thinking and do nothing by themselves. It is the members who do something. The promise of a group does nothing.

If the members illusion that the image that does nothing is concrete, the members subordinate to the image

Isn’t this a pitfall of solidarity?

Strengthening the Regulation and Oversight of Shadow Banks - Center for American Progress… Another shadow bank, the Reserve Primary Fund, a money market mutual fund that invested in Lehman’s commercial paper …

As long as each member of the group shares one goal, treat all members as one personality. Therefore, the principle that all members share the responsibilities of both good and bad things realized by the group is a promise.

If members do not do well as a group, their performance will have to be analyzed. However, if it falls into a criminal hunt or a scapegoat, the group will not be able to achieve better results. Don’t forget the original purpose of the group where the members came together to form a group. The group was formed after the members gathered, rather than the group gathering members.

Even as he stood before 24 of the NBA’s best players, Magic Johnson made a declaration about Kobe Bryant that made him unique even among those All-Stars. …
Kobe Bryant tribute opens emotional NBA All-Star Game

That’s it for today’s post. Thank you
