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What was the loudest sound you ever heard?

The investigation into a helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna and all seven others continues…

’We are sad about the S-76B crash in California. We will work with NTSB to assist our clients and investigators’
According to data compiled by the NTSB in 2018, private helicopter operations have increased by 30% since 2006, but accidents have decreased. Down 30% to 50% in major regions.

New CYC annex meets growing need for child care services

Residents looked at the hill, thinking that a crash had occurred. The hill was visible, but it was covered in fog from mid-hill to the top. The scene of the accident was not well visible, but gray smoke rose over time. 'It was thick smoke. I imagine the helicopter flew too low ’

The crashed Sikorsky is made by the Lockheed Martin company. the S-76 is known for its reliability and ‘VIP transport and convenience’

According to the United States Helicopter Safety Team, 233 helicopter accidents occurred between 2009 and 2019. Of the accidents in the last decade, 26% accounted for personal or private flights.

The owner of a scuba diving boat company announced Tuesday a voluntary indefinite suspension of its fleet in the wake of the Conception boat fire off the Santa Barbara coast that killed 34 people. …
Conception Boat Fire: Vessel Owner Suspends All Operations Amid Investigation | KTLA

Loud sounds are not good for bones. Someone said that even when listening to music on headphones, bone damage was slight.

So, if your headphones are at full volume, your bones may go crazy

For some loud noises, some people say, “It’s the sound of thunder because it fell at my feet.” I think there are some people like that. The loudest sound I’ve heard so far is the sound of a casino store. Machine sounds and BGM in the store. That environment was the noisiest environment for me.

Heart of the Valley with a Heart: Committee looks into possible return of Rocky Glen Park | Times Leader
Heart of the Valley with a Heart: Committee looks into possible return of Rocky Glen Park | Times Leader… But what if it were to come back? That’s what a new committee created by the Lackawanna County Commissioners intends to find out. …

The investigation into a helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna and all seven others continues.
Nearby residents heard the sound of a helicopter passing by. “I heard it, and the collision sound.”
The model of the helicopter is Sikorsky S-76. It burned due to a collision. Federal Aviation Administration officials arrive at the site and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) begins an investigation.

What was the best dish you’ve ever eaten? I think these kinds of questions can make the conversation bounce.

Let’s start with a strange question

What was the loudest sound you ever heard?

Kobe Bryant helicopter crash: Investigation underway in Calabasas
Kobe Bryant helicopter crash: Investigation underway in Calabasas… “It was so dense,” he added. “My guess is he was flying low." …

The first report had five passengers, but the flight logbook lists one pilot and eight passengers. About 200 people gathered at the site of the smoke.

178 establishments have operated the S-76 for VIP transfers, and it has helped government officials in 10 countries. There was no accident for 7.4 million flight hours. These are Sikorsky’s views.

Earplugs are a tool to prevent noise, but when you do something in the noise, you can’t wear earplugs to communicate with someone. You have to send a signal by the gesture.
Recently, there seems to be a telephone that uses bone conduction, but because it gives vibrations to the bones, it may be bad for the bones.
Also, I don’t want to make a loud voice. When arguing, why not argue in a small voice if possible? Furthermore, sometimes I just want the other person to understand me without saying anything. Speech that is dominated by emotion is a scream.

That’s it for today’s post. Thank you
