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Rarely want anything on Valentine’s Day

In the United States, $ 20 billion is likely to be spent this day. But the mother wants only one thing: “Thanks.”…

A woman wrote a blog: As a mother, I rarely want anything on Valentine’s Day. This day is a parade of love and chocolate. In the United States, $ 20 billion is likely to be spent this day. But the mother wants only one thing: “Thanks.”

Shopper News blog: 2019’s top 10 stories show caring community

take photos
write down

How hard my mother struggled for me when I slacked the laundry, worked late at night, got up early in the morning, went out for work, and planned meals, Consider how ignorant I was.
She did much for me, and she acted as a parent, loved my father, and was an example to my brothers and me. I know them all, but I didn’t say “thank you” until I got older. I didn’t know the difficulty of housewife
The cliché that all housewives are a great job doesn’t make sense. The mother appreciates the child’s smile, hugs after a long day, and silence for two minutes while on the phone. Children rarely say “thank you”. Because children will learn such things from now on.
My eldest daughter wrote an essay about my family trip in summer. The trip we went to was very fun. We went to water parks, theme parks, and the Great Smoky Mountains. Reading what she wrote, I realized that the trip was the best for her.

The composition was not written for me but did satisfy me

She thanked me.

Celebrating Pique | Feature Story | Pique Newsmagazine | Whistler, CANADA… Editor’s Note: Former Whistlerite Adrian Raeside drew Pique Newsmagazine’s editorial cartoons between 1999 and 2016. …

Now, when going on a trip, some people put their books in their luggage

The person reads while traveling or staying. I couldn’t understand that. The line of sight is turned to the pages of the book while traveling with a travel expense to a strange distance.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to just go shopping or take photos and movies just because you’re on the road, but reading would be a waste. I think that the best part of traveling is eating local specialties, watching the scenery, and communicating with people.
Next time, if I have the opportunity to go on a trip, I’m thinking of bringing a notebook. I want to write something if I have a little time in the place I went to. Is it a travel diary? I don’t want to write it for reading later, but just write what I felt while traveling. You can draw illustrations in your notebook. The important thing is to make the impressions that come out of the extraordinary into a form on the spot.
However, the reality is that I have no time or reason to travel. I can’t help but only write down what I felt in notepad. I will not read them back.

Still, I want to write down the time right now

Police, Deep Purple, Rainbow Engineer Nick Blagona Dead at 74
Le Studio, the complex he set up with producer Andre Perry outside Montreal in 1974, became known as Rush’s Abbey Road because the Canadian prog band relied on it in the way the Beatles once relied on the London complex.

: As an adult and a parent, I was caught on Valentine’s Day and decided to look for 20 cards for my daughter’s kindergarten class kids

I don’t like this day, but it was the day my husband proposed to me. Speaking of which, we exchanged gifts. However, my kids are celebrating all the holidays in some way at school, so I, as a mother, cannot ignore this.
Now, as a mother myself, I try to do as much as I can, but I think what a simple “thank you” means. When I am with the kids and try to do something fun or interesting with them, I wonder if I am grateful or not. Why don’t they say “thank you”?
Why didn’t I say “thank you” to my mother instead of complaining? I regret being very shallow. On Valentine’s Day, simple “thank you” is much better than jewelry, chocolate or eating out. Compassion heals my heart more than anything else. If my husband thanks me, it is more valuable than any gift.

For Valentine’s Day, a simple “thank you” would go further than any jewelry or chocolate (although I’m not turning chocolate away) or night out to eat. …
Kristina Hernandez: Valentine’s Day – Here’s what moms want | Fox News

Well, impressions and feelings disappear quickly. People forget their impressions on the road. So I want to write them down before they disappear.

That’s it for today’s post. Thank you
