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Guess she was embarrassed by her changing appearance

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are preparing for coronavirus infections in the United States…

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are preparing for coronavirus infections in the United States. It should be noted, however, that the CDC does not recommend that people without symptoms wear a mask.

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If you have to wear a mask and you have a mustache on your face, check out the infographic created by CDC. This is to know what mustaches do not impair the adhesion of the face to the mask. Simply put, there is no problem if the mustache fits in the mask. The only problem is if the beard is too long to prevent the mask from fitting on the face.

The case, in Washington County, marks the third case of unknown origin in the United States and indicates that the virus is spreading. It is also the first coronavirus case in Oregon. …
Oregon coronavirus infection becomes third case of unknown origin in U.S. - The Washington Post

A nearby girl did a small-scale shaping. She cut the upper eyelid a little and sewed it. Doubled. Perhaps she was the most confused after the surgery. Her acquaintances around were not too confused. “Oh, she looks like she’s shaped,” that’s it.

I guess she was embarrassed by her changing appearance

Of course, after a week, she got used to it.

Certainly, you need to be a little enthusiastic when stretching your beard. Doesn’t it look lazy? Am I a wild-minded young man? I care a lot. So a boy who stretches his beard may be more delicate than a boy who doesn’t.
By the way, beards will interfere with the function of the mask.
I’m a man at first, so I’ve stretched my beard. The surrounding air is clearly different when you are shaving your beard and when you are stretching it. With a little appearance, the image of a person changes. With that in mind, I want to be conscious of my appearance.

California, Oregon confirm 2 more coronavirus diagnoses from community spread - ABC News
California, Oregon confirm 2 more coronavirus diagnoses from community spread - ABC News… “The president has made it clear that our objective is to be ready. This is an all-hands-on-deck effort.” …

The infographic was not created to combat coronavirus. In November 2017, it reported what mustaches and masks would fit as a reference for “Movember”, an effort to stretch your mustache for a month to raise awareness of men-specific illnesses.

This CDC infographic lets you know if your facial hair won’t work with a mask - The Verge
This CDC infographic lets you know if your facial hair won’t work with a mask - The Verge… In short, the CDC recommends that any facial hair that can fit entirely under a respirator should be fine. …

In the case of a man, surprisingly, hair loss seems to be in fashion

Do you want to be slippery? There are not a few boys who get rid of unwanted hair. It might be out of the question for such a boy to stretch his beard on his face.

After plastic surgery, the girl changed. I think the world has changed for her. She changed the world by changing her appearance.
I think there is a certain debate in plastic surgery, but I would like to positively evaluate the way people think about plastic surgery. Considering the various conditions and effects, suffering both subjectively and objectively, eventually coming up with a budget and schedule, she cut her upper eyelid. She worried, decided and acted alone. I think she did well. In comparison, the fact that a single eyelid has changed to a double eyelid is a small thing.

That’s it for today’s post. Thank you
