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Warned of a global “chronic shortage” of coronavirus-blocking personal equipment

The worldwide lack of masks has caused Apple iPhone manufacturers to set up mask production lines at a facility in Shenzhen, Southeast China…

The worldwide lack of masks has caused Apple iPhone manufacturers to set up mask production lines at a facility in Shenzhen, Southeast China. The company is applying for product certification and plans to produce 2 million masks per day by the end of February: these masks are not intended to protect only employees from coronaviruses, Can also be used to help people.


A major US pharmacy chain does not display medical or N95 masks on its website. Sources say: Replenish the store (without masks) as quickly as possible.

Some groups are buying masks in the US and sending them to China. One group has raised more than $ 600,000 to send 40,000 masks and medicines purchased from US manufacturers to doctors and patients in the Wuhan area.

It is troublesome to be impatient. Everyone knows I’m a timid guy. For example, you have a notebook. When writing something in a notebook with a pen, start writing from the top left. Then, after writing for a while, the pen approaches the lower right of the page and moves to the next page. If you don’t turn over to the next page, you will have to write on the desk.

When we have a blank page, we are inflating the image. Let’s write that kind of thing, let’s draw something like this, and the concept is drawn upon a rather grand scale. However, while writing something by moving the pen, the image gradually becomes more concrete, and the characters become incorrect or different from the image, and it takes a lot of time.

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Last month, a store in New York City indicated it would offer masks for free. The announcement came at a time when concerns about the coronavirus were growing and masks began to sell in large quantities. Now the situation is much more severe, with hundreds of deaths in China and more than 20 countries reporting cases of respiratory illness.

On Friday, the World Health Organization warned of a global “chronic shortage” of coronavirus-blocking personal equipment

: materials for testing, masks, gloves, respirators, and warmth equipment, Etc. are sent to countries in all regions. However, the world faces a chronic shortage of personal protective equipment.

The periodic lack of feeling when writing letters on paper also appears when reading. Paper books must be turned over at regular intervals. Even if you are reading smoothly, when you reach the end of the page, the small task of turning to the next page gets in the way. That’s less than a second, during which time the story pauses. Of course, professional writers and editors and bookmakers will calculate the pause time and design the book.

As long as the paper has a finite area, there is not enough margin for reading and writing at regular intervals. This lack of margins interrupts the image and thinking. Paper media is such a thing. On the other hand, digital tools have no area limitation by scrolling the display. Is this a good thing? Text as digital data continues endlessly. So it may be better to separate digital text from the analog text.

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It is impossible to buy masks online in China for weeks. N95 masks are evaluated as more effective than surgical masks in stopping the transmission of viruses but are out of stock on all major online platforms in China. In addition, quarantine, airline cancellations, store closures, and temporary closures of factories and other businesses are being promoted throughout China. In Hong Kong, people have been waiting for three hours to buy masks. Demand was so high that some pharmacies had to limit the number of masks their customers could purchase.

In the Philippines, the government distributed free surgical masks to students after the first case of coronavirus was confirmed on February 1

However, medical supplies stores in major cities still lack masks. Thailand curbed the export of masks on Tuesday, making it more accessible to Thai citizens. In France, respirator manufacturers are increasing their production by 4 to 5 times higher than usual. One factory produces 170 million masks annually. However, now the demand for the product is increasing. The plant operates three shifts a day and seven days a week to increase production and recruit a 30% increase in the workforce: the current goal is to protect as many people as possible.

Even in the United States, it is difficult to get masks. On Thursday, the National Community Pharmacists Association published the results of a national survey that found that 96% of local pharmacies experienced a shortage of surgical masks and nearly 40% did not have enough N95 masks. A sales representative at a pharmacy in New York City said: All masks refilled in the morning were gone by afternoon.

Kelly Dossey, 54, wore many hats — and cleats — during his two decades as a beloved member of the central Indiana soccer community. …
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Eventually, the pen tip approaches the bottom right of the page. At that time, I feel that the margin is running short. The shortage affects your creativity and image. Even if the thesis is progressing smoothly, if the margins are running out, you may be a little impatient and want to make small breaks. Then, when turning over the page and starting to write again from the top left of the paper, the image comes to life with a sense of freedom without cause.

The coronavirus occurred in Wuhan in central China in December. As of Friday, the number of confirmed cases worldwide was 31,420, of which more than 31,000 are in mainland China. In China, 638 people have died except two.

That’s it for today’s post. Thank you


Roshan Jha said…
It is a very informative blog which everyone should read. You can also check our blog: Respiratory mask