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The output is a bit more complicated than the input

At the very least, taking notes is not an output. It’s just a sketch of someone else’s output.....

We are isolated in the flood of information. Information is input beyond our capacity.

ratio input output
amount 99 1
effort 50 50

99% of the input information is irrelevant information. If you don’t select the information that is useful to you, your mind will quickly overflow.

When most of the activity time for information is occupied by input, the time to output information is reduced. Information output? A familiar example is talking about something.

Other than that, writing a diary will be included in the output. When you write something yourself, no one will tell you. You have to find the words yourself and choose and write them.

However, the linguistic expression pattern has already been completed, and using it could result in a copy of another person’s output. Where are the original words by myself?

The output is a bit more complicated than the input.

If we wanted the output effort to be equal to that of the input, the ratio of input to output in the total amount of information we put in and out might be 99:1.

At the very least, taking notes is not an output. It’s just a sketch of someone else’s output.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
