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Well, I’m amazed that I took such a picture

In any case, the trick to filing is not to change the policy once decided.....

A flock of dragonflies, the backs of people I know well, green dump trucks, yawning kids, half-eaten cakes, walking people, shirts I don’t want to throw away …

filing focus
shooting time This year’s shot, last year’s shot, more than 5 years ago, etc
shooting location home, workplace, street, travel destination, acquaintance’s house, school, stop-by destination, etc.
person-specific your close friends
thematic work, life, and leisure
purpose-specific photos to edit, etc.
data-based resolution, image format, color, file size, etc.

Well, I’m amazed that I took such a picture.

Cameras have replaced smartphones and we all seem to be photographers.

However, you should organize the photos or data you have taken.

Let’s talk about the filing policy.

First of all, how about filing depending on the shooting time? This year’s shot, last year’s shot, more than 5 years ago, etc.

Alternatively, filing depending on the shooting location is also good. Let’s focus on your home, workplace, street, travel destination, acquaintance’s house, school, stop-by destination, etc. and file.

Also, the orthodox filing method is person-specific filing. It’s a good idea to collect photos of your close friends.

If you want to step up a little, how about thematic filing? It’s filing with a theme such as work, life, and leisure.

If you want to take it even further, there is also a method called purpose-specific filing. Photos to attach to documents, photos to give to someone, photos to edit, etc.

And if you’re a true photographer, I recommend the data-based filing method. Filing by resolution, image format, color, file size, etc.

In any case, the trick to filing is not to change the policy once decided.

Go straight.

How to use Readdle’s Documents app as a file manager for your iPhone or iPad - TechRepublic… Freely available for iOS and iPadOS, the basic version of Documents acts as a central hub for your files with access to your device’s photo albums and other folders. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
