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Distinguish between the inner world and the environment

2023-05-02 14:46:29

The young man is less than 30 years old, but he refuses to leave his home.


He doesn’t know why he doesn’t want to leave his house. If he had a good understanding of why, he would already have a job and be active.
I say this in his honor. He’s no loser.
Of course his life is strange. He sleeps during the day and wakes up at night to eat food prepared by his mother in a dark room.
The reason he survives on one meal a day is because he lives in his house all the time.
Occasionally, for example, on a pouring night, he goes for a walk. And 30 minutes later he comes home.

By what can a person’s interior and environment be separated?
A person’s interior and environment cannot be strictly separated because they are interrelated and the influence of one can affect the other. However, in general, we can distinguish between the inner world and the environment in terms of:
Genetic Factors: A person’s inner state is largely determined by genes and genetic factors. On the other hand, the environment is greatly influenced by external factors such as the place where an individual lives and the social environment.
Degree of Freedom of Action: Individuals have a great deal of control over their inner states, and can control their own thoughts and emotions. On the other hand, the environment has many factors that cannot be directly controlled by individuals, and it is not possible to completely change them according to one’s wishes.
Scope of Influence: The inner world of a person can influence the decisions and thoughts of an individual, but it cannot directly influence the inner world of others. On the other hand, the environment can have a direct influence on an individual’s behavior and thoughts.
In general, it can be said that a person’s interior and environment are interconnected and difficult to distinguish. However, by understanding how each factor interacts, we can understand an individual’s behavior and thoughts.
